Thanks to the addition of redstone, introduced in the 1.5 update, Minecraft players can create so many things in-game. Players have used redstone to make working doors, working computers, automatic farms and more.
Other builds that utilize redstone aren't necessarily practical, but they are cool, nonetheless. Players have been able to construct working showers and even sinks. A sink might not be useful in a game like Minecraft, but it's still a nice addition to a build. Here's how to make one.
How to build a Minecraft sink that actually works
Sinks can be made in all sorts of ways, but here's how to make a rather simple one. There are several different items that will be necessary for the sink:
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- White concrete or nether quartz blocks for the wall
- Tripwire hook
- Button of any kind (dark oak shows up best)
- Bucket of water
- Five dark oak trap doors
- Dispenser
- Redstone dust
Players should follow the following steps to build a sink:
Step 1) On the wall of white concrete or whichever building block is chosen, Minecraft players should place the tripwire hook one block up from the ground. Directly to the left or the right, a button can be placed.

Step 2) Directly underneath the tripwire hook on the ground, gamers can remove that block and replace it with a dispenser. Place the bucket of water inside and make sure the dispenser hole is facing upwards.
Step 3) In front of the dispenser, place one trapdoor facing upwards. Players can then place two more, one on either side, and then the last two to connect them to the wall. This will create a barrier for the water.
Step 4) On the other side of the wall, players will need to run redstone dust from the dispenser up to the block that the button is on so that when clicked, the water will come out of the dispenser. When clicked a second time, the now-empty bucket will retrieve the water from the sink.
Step 5) Players can then click the button to turn on the water and vice versa.
While the sink build serves no in-game purpose, it's a fun touch for players to add to their houses. An even bigger one could be built as a working bathtub, too.
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