There are two Minecraft mob farms that are commonly built in the early game. The first is a general mob farm, which can produce any hostile mobs that spawn in the night. The other and more efficient one is the spawner farm. This farm utilizes mob spawners to have a nearly constant stream of mobs to kill, which is what makes them so much faster than general monster farms.
Everything you need to know about setting up an incredibly cheap and highly efficient mob spawner farm can be found detailed below.
How to make a Minecraft monster room XP farm

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Since traditional spawner farms utilize monster rooms, which are normally Minecraft structures found deep underground, they use next to no blocks to actually build. This contributes to them being so cheap to build. All you need is a few buckets for water, a hopper, some chests, and an optional carpet to maximize XP gain.
1) Find a monster room

The first thing you'll need to do is track down one of Minecraft's oldest structures: the monster room. These are quite common underground structures that will have either a spider, skeleton, or zombie spawner in them. You want to find a zombie or skeleton spawner. Spiders can climb walls, which makes them very annoying to transport easily.
2) Clear out the area

Light up the spawner to stay safe while working. Then, mine out four blocks in each direction from the spawner. This will create an empty 9x9x9 cube with the spawner in the center.
Place blocks on top of the spawner going up to the ceiling. This will stop hostile Minecraft mobs from spawning on top of the spawner and getting stuck.
3) Add water

Place water source blocks all along one side of this 9x9x9 area. This will create a flow of water that ends one block from the opposing wall. Dig one block down, creating a nine-block long channel. Place a water source block in one corner of this channel.
These two waterways will force all the mobs that are produced into a single block in the corner of the Minecraft farm.
4) Dig mob tunnel

This single block area will be the start of the mob collection system. Dig one block down and place another water source block. Then, face away from the farm and dig out three blocks. Turn right and then mine until the water stops flowing. This will funnel the mobs out of the spawn chamber.
5) Add a small drop

Mob spawners have a strange quirk that requires players to be relatively close to work. Dig down four blocks. This will give you the room needed to make a collection area while still being close enough for the spawner to function.
6) Add the collection system

Dig out a small room around the output of the drop. Place a double chest with a Minecaft hopper leading into it directly under the hole you dug. The strange shape of hoppers will sometimes cause XP to get stuck, so place a carpet on top to avoid this. Add a slab next to the hole, above the chest, to stop hostile mobs from seeing you while using the farm.
7) Remove torches and seal up the spawner

The final step to using the farm is to return to the original spawner room and break all of the torches. Hostile mobs will start spawning as the room gets darker, so be careful while you do this. Then, return to the collection area and begin killing hostile mobs.
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