Minecraft players in Survival Mode always look for a stronghold at some point in their playthrough in order to find a portal to the End. It's the only way to battle the Ender Dragon and complete the mode's initial story.
While Minecraft players can simply use and follow an eye of ender to a stronghold, this process can take quite some time.
Having knowledge of how these structures spawn can assist players in deducing one's location without relying on eyes of ender too often.
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In Bedrock Edition, strongholds generate in a different manner from Java Edition. Bedrock strongholds can generate with very few parameters, and there is no set amount within a given world. This means strongholds in this particular Minecraft edition can number almost infinitely.
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition generates strongholds less predictably than Java

The generation of strongholds in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition is much laxer than its Java counterpart. As a result, players can find the structures randomly dispersed throughout a world with no set proximity or spacing. This occasionally causes overlapping between strongholds, which is undoubtedly a boon for players.
Oddly enough, the one generation quirk that Bedrock strongholds seem to favor is spawning underneath villages. Players close to these structures may want to do some digging to see if they can find a staircase.
Strongholds can also generate in oceans and even above-ground in caves and ravines. They can even technically generate in the Far Lands, but these are essentially inaccessible without commands or similar manipulation.
Regardless, Bedrock's generation code makes finding strongholds a little less predictable than Java. Java's generation keeps strongholds spaced apart fairly evenly.
To better hone in on strongholds, Bedrock players can combine generation knowledge with eyes of ender.
Players can begin in a village and check nearby villages for any strongholds underneath. If results come up empty, they can use eyes of ender to follow a path to the nearest stronghold.
Searching for available villages first should cut down on reliance on eyes of ender in the long run, though players can utilize any strategy that works best for them.
If players don't mind using commands, they can enter the /locate command to find the nearest stronghold. With cheats enabled, Bedrock players can enter "/locate stronghold" into their chat bar. This will provide coordinates to the nearest stronghold relative to the player.
Depending on the situation, the coordinates may be incomplete, and only the X and Z coordinates may have a definite value. This should be enough though, as players can head to the X/Z coords and dig downwards to try and find the stronghold if necessary.
It goes without saying, however, that Minecraft players should always be cautious about digging directly downward. Even if they don't fall into a pool of lava, they very well may fall into a part of the stronghold that's filled with hostile mobs.
Note: This article reflects the opinion of the writer
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