One of the most interesting parts of the new Minecraft mace weapon is that the bonus damage granted by falls does not have a cap. The damage bonus gets smaller the farther a player falls but will continue to increase. This means that it's possible to one-shot any of the game's mobs, assuming that you know how far to fall.
Everything you need to know about one-shotting any mob in Minecraft is detailed below.
How to one-shot any Minecraft mob using the mace
1) Get a heavy core

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The first thing you'll need to do if you want to one-shot any mob in Minecraft is get a heavy core. These items can be found by opening ominous vaults after completing an ominous event. They aren't very common, though, so it might take several ominous vaults to find one.
2) Make a mace

Once you've acquired a heavy core, you'll want to actually craft a mace. This can be done by combining the heavy core with a breeze rod, dropped exclusively by Minecraft's breeze mob.
3) Create a drop platform

The next thing you'll need to do is make the platform from which you'll drop to deal damage. The height of the platform will depend on which mob you're aiming to take out.
All of the platform heights listed below assume critical hits. Additionally, all of these heights assume the mace is unenchanted, unless otherwise specified. This will mostly apply to high-health mobs, which would be almost impossible to kill in one shot without Minecraft's density enchantment.
Half-a-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 0
There are a handful of mobs that can be killed in a single hit with a normal mace, even without any extra damage from falls. The first of these are the mobs with 0.5 hearts. There are currently only two mobs in the game that only have half a heart: tiny slimes and tiny magma cubes.
1.5-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 0
Tropical fish, cod, salmon, pufferfish, and rabbits all only have 1.5 hearts. This means they can be killed by a regular mace attack, even without being critically hit.
Two-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 0
Medium slimes and magma cubes both have two hearts. This is similar to how tiny slimes and magma cubes shared a total health pool of half a heart. They're joined here by snow golems and chickens and are another group of mobs that you can kill without even needing a critical hit.
Three-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 0
The final few mobs that can be taken out with a Minecraft mace critical hit without needing a fall are tadpoles, parrots, and bats. This means that you can skip building any sort of platform at all for these mobs.
Four-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 1
Silverfish, endermites, untamed wolves, and sheep all have four hearts. This makes them the first group of mobs that have more health than the base mace's flat damage of three hearts. This means that you'll need to place down a single block to use as a platform when one-shotting them.
Five-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 1.5
The five heart mobs mark the start of a stretch of mobs that can all be one-shot after a mere 1.5 block fall. This is due to the fact that the mace's bonus damage is higher at the start of a fall, making this 1.5 blocks quite impactful on damage.
The list of five-heart mobs includes:
- Ghasts
- Weak pandas
- Goats
- Java foxes
- Dolphins
- Bees
- Pigs
- Ocelots
- Glow squids
- Frogs
- Cows
- Cats
Six-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 1.5
While there are four different mobs that have six hearts, they are all relatively uncommon. Cave spiders are only found in trial chambes and mineshafts; squids aren't very common in oceans; mooshrooms are exclusive to Minecraft mushroom islands; and armadillos can only be found in badlands and savanna biomes.
However, should players need to take them out, they also require only a short fall to one-shot.
Seven-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 1.5
The group of seven-heart mobs is quite strange. It includes vexes, sniffers, and axolotls.
Sniffers, due to their larger size, feel like they should have more health than this, while vexes and axolotls feel like they should have fewer hearts due to their tiny stature. But no, they all share a health pool that can be erased by making a short, 1.5-block-tall platform to leap from.
7.5-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 1.5
The skeleton horse is the only mob in the game with 7.5 hearts. Normally, you'd want to kill the rider and claim the mount for yourself, as skeleton horses are quite fast, but if the need arises, they can be taken out in one hit with a short fall.
Eight-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 1.5
Eight-heart mobs are another moderately large group of mobs and the final group that can be one-shot with a 1.5-block fall. This group includes large slimes and magma cubes, as well as the new Minecraft bogged, regular spiders, and piglins.
10-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 2
10 hearts is by far the most common health value among the many different mobs found in the game. Only a two-block drop is required to one-shot these creatures, which makes the abundance of 10-heart mobs even better.
Here's a full list of these mobs:
- Zombie villagers
- Zombies
- Wither skeletons
- Stray
- Skeletons
- Phantoms
- Husks
- Creepers
- Blaze
- Zombified piglins
- Pandas
- Bedrock foxes
- Drowned
- Wandering traders
- Villagers
- Striders
- Allays
12-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 2.5
The hostile versions of villagers, known as illagers, almost all have the same number of hearts. That means that vindicators, pillagers, and evokers all require a 2.5-block drop to take out without density.
13-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 3
The final variant of illager actually has one more heart than the rest. This is the witch.
These Minecraft potion-slinging enemies have 13 hearts, making them quite tanky in normal combat. Thankfully, normal combat can be totally avoided with a meager three-block drop.
15-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 4
There are a large number of mobs with 15 hearts. Thankfully, they only require a four-block fall to one-shot, making them quite safe to attack with a mace.
A missed smash attack shouldn't deal much damage, especially if the player is using the feather-fall Minecraft enchantment.
Here's a full list of the 15-heart mobs:
- Shulkers
- Guardians
- Breeze
- Trader llamas
- Llamas
- Polar bears
- Turtles
- Mule
- Horse
- Donkeys
Trader llamas, regular llamas, mules, horses, and donkeys can have a range of health. 15 hearts is the highest this range can be and is the safest option for one-shotting any of these mobs. It's also worth noting that guardians are only found in ocean monuments, making them hard to strike with a mace while falling.
16-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 5
There's currently only a single mob with 16 hearts. This is the camel found in the desert variants of Minecraft villages.
Unlike the other tameable mounts mentioned earlier, such as llamas and horses, camels don't have a range of health. They're guaranteed to have 16 hearts.
20-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 7.5
There are a surprising number of mobs with 20 total hearts, doubling the player's base health. These include zoglins, hoglins, tamed Minecraft wolves, and endermen.
This makes sense, as all of these mobs are quite threatening, with their high health being a major reason.
25-heart mobs piglin brute

Fall required to one shot: 13.5
Piglin brutes, found exclusively in set numbers within Minecraft bastions, are the only mobs in the game with 25 hearts. They're always aggressive, even if you're wearing gold armor. This should make it easy to lure them into a trap and make the one-shot preparation quite easy. This makes the 13.5-block fall required much less dangerous than it might otherwise seem.
40-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 33.5
The elder guardian, considered by many to be one of a few different miniboss mobs, has a whopping 40 total hearts. Additionally, as previously mentioned with regular guardians, since elder guardians spawn in the ocean, it's hard to reach them while falling. You'll want to lead them near the surface if possible to maximize the chance of a successful one-shot strike.
50-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot: 47
Minecraft's iron golems and ravagers are two of the largest regular mobs in the game. They also both have fittingly large health pools of 50 hearts.
The mobs are the best example of the extreme drop-off in mace damage, as they require a 47-block fall to one-shot without density.
100-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot (density V): 33
Minecraft's ender dragon is the only mob currently in the game with exactly 100 hearts. This makes it the easiest boss mob to kill in one shot, especially with the powerful density weapon enchantment.
150-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot (density V): 52
There is only a single mob in the entire game with 150 hearts. This is the version of the wither found on Java Edition and Bedrock's easy difficulty.
This is the weakest form of the Minecraft boss, having only half the health of the toughest withers.
225-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot (density V): 80
An 80-block platform is only requried for a single mob in the game and only on a particular difficulty.
If you're on Bedrock and also on normal difficulty, you'll go up against a Minecraft wither boss with 225 hearts, which can be taken out with a platform of this height.
250-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot (density V): 90
Minecraft's incredibly deadly warden is only dangerous if it gets to use any of its lethal melee attacks. Thankfully, you can avoid being in harm's way by one-shotting it with a 90-block platform.
300-heart mobs

Fall required to one shot (density V): 109
The highest health mob in Minecraft is the wither found on Bedrock's hard difficulty. If you want to one-shot it, you'll need to make a platform more than one hundred blocks in the air, even with the density V weapon enchantment.
While this is an extreme height, being able to one-shot the most dangerous mob in the game, even if it is difficult, is crazy.
4) One-shot the mob
Now that you've built up the platform, you'll need to deal the necessary damage. All you need to do is actually take the plunge. Just make sure to not miss, as higher falls are still lethal, even with feather falling, one of Minecraft's best enchantments.
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