Part of Minecraft's huge 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update, copper blocks are traditional building/decoration blocks for the most part, but they have one significant difference from most blocks.
When exposed to open air and without being waxed by a honeycomb, copper blocks will slowly oxidize and turn from a mottled brown color to an aqua blue-green color. Even placing blocks around or adjacent to a copper block will not protect it from oxidization.
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Waxing is currently the only way to prevent oxidation, and the blocks themselves oxidize based on a "random tick" system divided into chunks. At random intervals over time, copper blocks will be randomly chosen to begin oxidation.
Minecraft: More on oxidation and how to reverse it

Minecraft's ticking system can be somewhat complex, but for copper blocks it is slightly easier to understand, due to it being randomized. Once a copper block is chosen via the random tick system, it enters a pre-oxidation state in roughly 20 real world minutes.
At this time, the block will search out for other unwaxed copper blocks nearby within a four-block distance in all directions in a grid. If the block finds a copper block that is in a less-oxidized state, the block won't weather any further.
Regardless, over time, unwaxed copper blocks in Minecraft will all oxidize. It really just comes down to a matter of how quickly it can happen. For players who want to avoid oxidation, they'll need to apply a honeycomb to the necessary blocks, waxing and sealing them from the outside air.
However, if there are blocks that have already begun oxidizing, Minecraft players can use an axe on them to chip away the oxidized layers. Each use of an axe on the block will chip away one layer or stage of oxidation. However, players should be careful, as this method can also be used to remove wax layers from a block as well.
One final way to remove oxidation involves lightning strikes. An unwaxed copper block struck with a lightning bolt will remove any and all oxidation it currently possesses. Harnessing lightning bolts to remove oxidation is effective but not as practical as simply chipping away with an axe. That choice is left up to Minecraft players though, and the lightning method undoubtedly looks much more flashy.
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