There are three main gameplay modes in Minecraft: Survival, Spectator, and Creative. In survival mode, players have to collect resources and survive, whereas creative mode gives free access to all items in the game. Spectator mode is used to fly through blocks while being invisible.
Almost all Minecraft players play in survival mode. To survive in this mode, players have to gather food and other resources such as minerals and building blocks for making a survival base.
This article shares some keynotes regarding survival base planning and building.
Planning and building a Survival Base in Minecraft
The first step to building anything in Minecraft and real-life is planning. Players can make a survival base from scratch or turn a cave into their base. Players should spend some time thinking about the overall shape and style of the build.
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Some players like building medieval-themed builds using stone blocks, whereas others go for sci-fi builds using quartz and white concrete blocks, and so on. Depending on the theme, shape, and style, players have to spend their time collecting resources.
Before building, players should think about what they need in a survival base. Some players like to have different bases for each job, whereas others want everything in one place.
Here's a list of things players should have in their survival base:
#1 - Storage System
It's common for players to put items in a chest somewhere and then forget about it. A storage system will help players maintain their resources in one place. Players can use signs or item frames to remember which chest is having what kind of item.
Players can manually store items or use an automatic item sorter. An item sorter automatically sorts any item and sends it into the respective chests.
#2 - Enchanting Room

To get the best enchantments from an enchanting table, players have to surround the enchanting table with bookshelves. An enchanting room is a must-have for any survival base. Players can make room for it around their bookshelves.
#3 - Portal Room

Having a portal inside the bases makes nether travel quickly and easily. Most players have a portal room in their survival base. Players can build huge portals to increase the beauty of their bases. The Nether Portal has a beautiful purple shade and produces attractive particles in Minecraft.
#4 - Bedroom

Every player needs a bed for sleeping. Minecraft without a bed is unimaginable. Players can skip a night using a bed, which will help avoid facing hostile mobs that spawn in the dark. Players can improve the bedroom by adding various pieces of furniture and lighting.
Other than this, players can also add crop farms and horse stables to improve their Minecraft survival base. Players must also keep some extra space for future additions like an aquarium or garden.
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