Cocoa beans are a certain type of seed in the Minecraft 1.19 update that can be obtained and planted to grow cocoa pods. Though these beans will transition into pods that yield more beans, they are quite useful in several ways. By continuing to replant and break pods, players can essentially farm loads of beans. However, there is a trick to planting them that new players might not know about.
Planting seeds and growing crops in the game is a well-known and frequently used feature. Usually, players grow wheat, potatoes, and carrots by planting seeds or the items themselves. Even fruit blocks like pumpkins and melons can be planted through seeds in tilled land. However, planting cocoa beans is a completely different story since they can only be planted on a specific type of block.
Planting cocoa beans and their growth mechanism in Minecraft 1.19 update
How to get cocoa beans

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To plant these beans, players will first have to find them in the world. There are three ways to find these beans: they can be found growing naturally, through wandering traders, and via fishing.
These beans can be obtained by breaking naturally-growing cocoa pods. The pods can be found in all kinds of jungle sub-biomes, growing on jungle tree wood logs. When broken, a fully grown pod will drop anywhere from two to three beans.
Alternatively, players can also get 18 cocoa beans for three emeralds from a wandering trader. They can also be obtained by fishing in a body of water near the jungle biome.
How to plant these beans

Cocoa pods can only grow on jungle wood logs. This is essential for players to know before planting them. If players try to plant the beans on any other block, it will not work. They can only be planted on jungle logs, jungle wood, stripped jungle logs, and stripped jungle wood blocks.
Hence, if players get cocoa beans and want to grow them near their base, they should have some kind of jungle wood or log block. The block does not have to be a part of a fully grown tree for cocoa beans to be planted.
Growth mechanism of cocoa pods

Once the beans are planted, these pods will grow in three stages. Each stage has a 20% chance of occurring on a random tick (5 minutes and 41 seconds on average). When planted, the pod will be small and green in color and will only yield one cocoa bean. The growth of the pod can be accelerated with the help of bone meal.
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