Minecraft is on a roll at the moment. The game recently added a ton of new content and items and is currently celebrating its 15th anniversary. Not only has it survived 15 years of tough competition, but it has thrived and stayed popular all these years. Since this is a big feat, the event is being celebrated for 15 days with a variety of rewards and Easter eggs.
One such Minecraft Easter egg can be accessed with a simple Google search. Google has partnered with other companies and events in the past, adding interesting items to their search result page, and this time around, they are featuring Mojang's popular game. You can play a very rudimentary version of Minecraft on Google and literally break the search results page to reveal what’s behind it. Here’s everything about the game.
Hidden Minecraft game on Google

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The hidden game can be accessed by searching for 'Minecraft’ on Google. This should bring the search results page that we are all familiar with. All you need to do is wait for a few seconds until you notice a small game logo popping out at the bottom of the screen. Click on it and this will bring out the hand of Steve, the main character from the game.
With the hand visible and the crosshair on the screen, the search results page of Google starts to look like a modded version of Minecraft.

You might notice that the mouse cursor turns into a crosshair on certain parts of the screen. Wherever you can see the crosshair, whatever you're pointing at can be broken to reveal what’s underneath it. So if you click on the main search page area, the hand will break the screen, revealing the blocky world of the game.
Here’s something even more fun—you can play the game by clicking on different items such as wood, dirt blocks, and leaves. Clicking on the wood will give you a wooden pickaxe. Scroll down the page and break the area to reveal stones with iron and diamond ores.
Click on the iron ore to get the iron pickaxe and then on the diamond ore to get the diamond pickaxe. You can scroll down as much as you want and it will reveal different parts of the game, such as the Nether, the End dimension, etc.
It should be mentioned that this is not the only Easter egg that you can find on the internet. Mojang Studios' official website has also added an Easter egg for the 15th anniversary of the game. You can play another Minecraft mini-game there to get some unique wallpapers.
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