A bow with the Punch enchantment in Minecraft will cause the arrows fired from it to knock back the target they hit by an amplified distance.
Bows are powerful weapons in Minecraft, that allow players to fire arrows and defeat their enemies from a distance. When a mob or other entity is hit by an arrow, they will be pushed back a small distance when the arrow lands.
However, players can greatly amplify the power of the knockback by adding the Punch enchantment to one of their bows. This enchantment is great for keeping enemies from reaching the player.
Players with a Punch enchanted bow will also be able to pull off a collection of rather neat tricks, such as an assisted double jump that utilizes the power of the knockback.
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This article breaks down how the Punch enchantment works in Minecraft and explains how players can get it on their very own bow.
How the Punch enchantment works in Minecraft
The Punch enchantment can be placed on any bow that players have acquired throughout their in-game adventures. Bows can be made at a crafting table by combining three sticks and three pieces of strings.
In lieu of crafting, players can also sometimes buy bows from fletcher villagers or obtain them as a treasure item from fishing. Bows are also an uncommon drop that can be obtained from killing skeletons and strays on both Java and Bedrock Edition.
The Punch enchantment has two levels of power, with each level progressively increasing the knockback effect caused by the bow.
A bow with the Punch I enchantment will knock targets a distance of three blocks, while a bow with the Punch II enchantment will push enemies back a distance of six blocks.
This means that a bow with the Punch enchantment is perfect for PvP combat, as it will allow players to keep enemies at a distance and sometimes even knock other players off certain game maps.
Furthermore, there are a bunch of neat tricks that Minecraft players can pull off when they have a Punch enchanted bow. An example of one of these tricks is the assisted double jump that can be found explained here.
Getting the Punch Enchantment

Punch can be placed on any bow by using an enchanting table, expending experience earned by the player and some lapis lazuli.
Higher-level enchantments can be placed on bows by surrounding an enchanting table with additional bookshelves. Minecraft players should note that higher-level enchantments will cost an increased amount of experience to obtain.
This enchantment can also be placed on a piece of equipment with an anvil and the correct corresponding enchantment book.
A complete guide to enchantments in Minecraft can be found here.
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