There are several different types of underground blocks in Minecraft. Before the 1.16 update, mainly cobblestone (or just regular stone), diorite, granite and andesite could be found when mining.
However, the 1.16 and 1.17 updates added blackstone, cobbled deepslate, tuff, calcite, amethyst, etc. Since there are so many different options now, some of them are a bit rarer than others.
Blackstone is one of the most popular additions because of how good it looks and how useful it is for building.
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However, many players wonder if it's rare because it can be challenging to find. Here's what they need to know.
Rare blackstone in Minecraft: Where to find, uses, and more
Yes, blackstone is rare. It's hard to quantify that, but it isn't easy to find. Of all the blocks mentioned above, it may be the most difficult to obtain (amethyst may give it a run for its money, though).
The rest of the blocks can be found in the Overworld, but blackstone is exclusive to the Nether. Furthermore, it's not like Netherrack, which is so abundant and easy to collect in the Nether.
According to the Minecraft Wiki, blackstone generates naturally in basalt deltas (a new 1.16 Nether biome) and is found anywhere underground in the Nether. It can also be found below the surface of a lava sea, though that's dangerous to explore.

Bastion remnants are a great place to find them, but they're a pretty rare structure. All in all, blackstone may be one of the most difficult stone blocks to acquire in Minecraft.
When it comes to breaking it, only a pickaxe will drop the block. The following levels result in short mining times for blackstone:
- Wooden pickaxe- 1.15 seconds
- Stone pickaxe- 0.6 seconds
- Iron pickaxe- 0.4 seconds
- Diamond pickaxe- 0.3 seconds
- Netherite pickaxe- 0.25 seconds
- Gold pickaxe- 0.2 seconds
Once players do have some, though, it's excellent for building and can be used in rafting recipes. It might be wasteful to use a rare block in this format, but they can be substituted for cobblestone in the following recipes:
- Stone axe
- Stone sword
- Stone hoe
- Stone pickaxe
- Stone shovel
- Furnace
- Brewing stand
However, it cannot be substituted for dispensers, pistons, or other blocks that require cobblestone.
The most common use for blackstone is building. It can be crafted into polished blackstone or used for the following items:
- Blackstone slabs
- Blackstone stairs
- Blackstone walls
Blackstone is one of the rarer blocks in Minecraft and is one of the most dangerous to obtain, given its locations.
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