Sponges are one of the rarest blocks in Minecraft 1.18. Even though it is quite a normal block, players must go to great lengths to obtain them. It has a specialty that no other block has. It can absorb and remove huge amounts of water from an area.
These blocks cannot be crafted by players in any way and can only be found in a particular structure that is filled with dangerous, hostile mobs. These blocks are present in a particular room in the structure, and not all structures will have these rooms, making it even rarer. However, if players find these blocks, they can be of great help in terms of clearing out a body of water.
Rarity of sponge rooms in Minecraft 1.18
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These rooms are only found in Ocean Monuments
The Ocean Monument is a type of structure that generates underwater in the overworld realm. These are usually found in deep ocean biomes as they require a lot of space to generate. They are so huge that their upper portion can sometimes generate above the water surface. This is the only place where players will be able to find these rare blocks.

There are essentially two ways of finding these blocks: finding rooms filled with them or slaying Elder Guardian mobs. The structure is filled with rooms and loads of hostile mobs called Guardians and Elder Guardians. These hostile mobs shoot lasers from their eyes that can be lethal.

To get a perspective on how rare these rooms are, not every Ocean Monument will generate these rooms. On top of that, these structures are rare in themselves, making the sponge room extremely rare. Even though players can get these blocks by killing Elder Guardians present in every monument, finding a sponge room in one of the biggest and most dangerous structures in the game is quite challenging.
Once players find these blocks, they can be easily mined with a hoe. When players collect them, they will notice that the blocks are wet and need to be dry in order to reuse them.
There are several ways to dry these blocks, but the best way is to go to the Nether and place them anywhere. The Nether is a really hot realm, and it will dry these blocks and make them reusable. These blocks can now help players clear out a huge body of water in a matter of minutes.
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