When players craft and use certain tools, weapons, and armor in the Minecraft 1.19 update, they will soon notice that they have limited durability. The game poses several challenges for the player to make it more fun to play. One of them is item durability. Players can only use some of the items for a limited period of time before they break and vanish.
Players can see the durability level of each and every item. The durability of an item depends on several factors, like the material of the item and the enchantments used on it. The wooden pickaxe has the lowest durability, while the netherite pickaxe has the most. Enchantments like unbreaking and mending can also prevent gear from breaking.
Ways to see item durability in Minecraft 1.19
The durability bar

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When players craft any gear and start using it in different scenarios, they will notice a green bar appear underneath it. This bar is one of the indicators of the item's durability. As the player continues using the item, this bar will decrease and change its color from green to yellow to red. This is the simplest way to gauge the durability of an item.
Players won't have to open the inventory and hover their mouse over the item since the durability bar appears even in the game's hotbar and other GUI slots. When players apply enchantments like unbreaking or mending, they will notice that the bar will either go down slowly or increase if players pick up XP points while holding it.
A detailed look at the item's state

If players are not satisfied with the visual representation of the item's durability and want a more accurate status, they can turn on additional information about the item. Players can get extra durability information by pressing the 'F3' and 'H' keys.
Once enabled, the exact numeric value of durability will be shown when players hover their mouse over an item with limited durability. The format of the numeric values will be: The current durability of the item / the total durability of the item.
Each durability number will decrease by one when players use the item once. However, the current durability number displayed is usually one more than the actual durability. This means that when a gear is at 0 durability, it can still be used one last time.
Durability in Bedrock Edition
Unfortunately, players cannot see the exact numeric data of the item durability in Bedrock Edition. If players are on the vanilla version of the game, they can only see the durability bar.
However, if players are willing, they can download any item durability resource pack that offers a more detailed look at these stats. Some resource packs show not only the numeric values but also the gear visually deteriorating as players continue to use them.
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