Minecraft servers are the primary way through which players can enjoy multiplayer modes. Minecraft servers are relatively easy to set up and can be done so without much experience.
One of the most important things when setting up a server for the first time is setting the correct spawn point at which players will spawn at. For those unaware of how to set spawn points on their server, this helpful guide will explain how to do it.
How can you set a spawn point in a Minecraft server that applies to Everyone?
There are several ways in which server admins can set spawn points in their Minecraft server that apply to everyone. The easiest way, however, is typically via using the command: /setworldspawn.
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Follow the steps as listed below:
- Players must be a server operator to use the /setworldspawn command
- Players can give operator status to themselves via typing the command: op <playername> in the server console

There is another method that uses the hugely popular Essentials plugin to set a spawn point. The Essentials plugin can only be run on a bukkit, spigot, or paper server, by far the most popular flavors of Minecraft server software. Those not using one of the aforementioned servers cannot install Essentials.
1) Install Essentials Plugin
First, players need to install the Essentials plugin on their server. This can be done by downloading the file and dragging it into the "plugins" folder found inside the Minecraft server directory.
Those unsure of how to do this can reference the helpful video guide below:
2) Install Essentials Spawn Plugin
In order for the spawn functionality to work correctly, players must install the Essentials spawn add-on. It can be installed in the exact same way as in step 1.

3) Restart the server
Now that the plugins have been installed, server admins must reboot the server via the command: /restart in order for the plugins to function correctly.
4) Set the spawn point
If all has been done successfully, server admins should be able to set the spawn points for everyone via this command: /setspawn.
Server admins can also set the spawnpoint for certain groups of players via using this command: /setspawn <group>.
Should players have issues with the aforementioned steps to set a spawn point for everything, they should first ensure that both the EssentialsX and EssentialsXSpawn plugins have been installed correctly via the command /plugins.
Readers having issues setting a spawn point can also check the server logs to check for plugin errors, which can be rectified. If there are still issues, players can opt to use a different third party plugin to set a spawn point.
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