Over the years, enchantments have become an essential feature in Minecraft. Without a few enchantments, such as Silk Touch, a lot of the things cannot be done in the game.
There are a ton of different enchantments that can be acquired in various ways. Two of the most reliable sources of enchantment are the enchanting table and librarians.
Soul Speed enchantment in Minecraft has three levels for boosting the player's walking speed
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How does it work?

Soul Speed is a boot enchantment that increases the player's walking speed on soul soil or soul sand blocks.
It has three different levels. For each level, the player's speed is adjusted by the multiplier (Level * 0.105) + 1.3. In Java Edition, even if carpets or slabs are placed on top of soul sand or soul soil blocks, the player's speed is still increased.
The walking speed is 61.5% higher than usual when the player uses Soul Speed III. As the speed increase is highly significant, experienced Minecrafters often create tracks or paths of soul blocks and walk on them with Soul Speed boots to cover large distances.
This is mainly done on survival multiplayer servers to travel between bases and farms of different players. Boots with Soul Speed have a 4% chance of their durability reducing with each block the player steps on. It is recommended that players enchant their boots with Unbreaking III.
Sources of Soul Speed enchantment

Soul Speed is a treasure enchantment. Therefore, players cannot apply it directly to their boots from the enchanting table, and fishing and trading do not provide treasure enchantments either.
To get the Soul Speed enchantment, players need to loot bastions remnants. If they get lucky, they might find enchanted books or golden boots with Soul Speed inside loot chests.
Piglins may also spawn with golden boots that have the Soul Speed enchantment. It doesn't happen very often, but piglins may drop their enchanted golden boots upon death.
By bartering with piglins, players may also get iron boots or an enchanted book with Soul Speed. To barter with them, players need to drop a gold ingot close to a piglin, or directly hand it over by right-clicking on the piglin while holding the ingot.
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