Spider jockeys are one of the most interesting mobs in Minecraft. Many players will never get to witness one, as they have only a 1% chance to spawn in regular biomes and a 0.8% chance to spawn in snowy biomes.
Luckily, players who have cheats enabled can quickly spawn this rare mob into their world without much hassle. This can be done using the summon command.
If players do not have cheats enabled in their single-player world, they can use the "open to LAN" option and then enable cheats.
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How are spider jockeys summoned in Minecraft?
Summon command

Players who do not want to wait for the 1% spawn chance can summon a spider jockey into their world if they so choose.
For this to be possible, they will have to enable cheats on their world or server. For gamers in a single-player world they can either allow cheats upon creation or enable cheats after clicking on the "Open to LAN" button.
After enabling cheats, users can use the following command to summon the spider jockey mob:
/summon spider ~ ~ ~ {Passengers:[{id:skeleton,HandItems:[{id:bow,Count:1b}]}]}_
This command will spawn a spider jockey right at the player's location. They are recommended to be in creative mode since the spider jockey is a hostile mob.
Unfortunately, the Minecraft Bedrock Edition players cannot use this command as it is only available to Java Edition players.
The video above demonstrates how to summon a spider jockey to players who are more inclined to learn through videos.
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Spider jockey behavior

Spider jockeys have some of the most unique behaviors in Minecraft. Since it is technically two mobs, each mob has its own AI (artificial intelligence) and health points.
If either the skeleton or spider is killed first, the remaining mob will continue to move and attack the player. Since the spider is in control when both mobs are alive, it will wander aimlessly during the day and be aggressive towards the player during the night.
The skeleton also has the ability to shoot arrows at the player while riding on top of the spider, making the spider jockey quite the daunting foe.
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