TNT blocks in Minecraft are both fun to use and helpful with productivity, and who doesn't enjoy blowing things up?
The damage from even one block of TNT can really hurt, but fortunately, there are ways to avoid it altogether or at the very least, reduce the damage.
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Avoidance is best, but softening the impact of the explosion is a close second.
Minecraft: How to avoid or resist a TNT explosion

When avoiding TNT damage entirely in Minecraft, the obvious key is being far away from the explosion's radius. Though TNT has a fuse time that doesn't result in immediate detonation, players have little time to run away before it goes off. However, this can often result in damage regardless of the separation. Fortunately, a little redstone dust can fix that right up.
Connecting redstone dust as a wire to something like a button or lever will allow players to detonate TNT at a distance in Minecraft without sweating the threat of any explosion damage.
This removes the need to manually activate TNT blocks at close range using Flint & Steel or similar sources of flame. Be sure to have plenty of wiring available, as more will be needed depending on the size of the explosion.
In situations where Minecraft players can't quite stay at a distance from a TNT explosion, equipping sturdy armor, especially a durable type like diamond or Netherite, will reduce the damage.
Weaker armor sets also provide some protection, but are likely to take a large chunk of durability when it absorbs the explosion damage. Armor can also be enchanted with Blast Protection, which increases the amount of explosion damage absorbed per enchantment level.
In a pinch, players can also create a barricade of blocks to protect themselves from the explosion radius. Placing down sturdy, blast-resistant blocks can provide protection.
Simply create a small enclosure comprising blocks of obsidian, Netherite, or Crying Obsidian (Ancient Debris works as well but is incredibly rare to find in Survival Mode) and head inside before the TNT detonates. The enclosure should withstand the explosion and the blocks should remain intact.
Be sure to create a floor for the enclosure with the same blocks, as sometimes large explosions can remove the platform from underneath players.
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