End cities are some of the last naturally-generated structures to conquer in Minecraft, and are only accessible after defeating the Ender Dragon. Players may find all types of valuable loot in these structures, including the precious Elytra. However, there are numerous dangers to deal with while raiding an End city.
After players defeat the Ender Dragon, an end portal generates near the edge of the main island, through which players can explore the rest of the End realm. Here, they may find mysterious floating structures called End cities, which house some of the rarest and most valuable loot items but are protected by hostile mobs of shulkers.
Ways to survive and win in End cities in Minecraft
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Items to have
End cities are some of the rarest structures in the game, simply because players have to travel several blocks to find one of them. Before entering the End city and looting, players must have certain important items in order to survive:
- Stacks of Ender pearls
- Enchanted ranged weapons (Bow and Arrow, Trident)
- Full enchanted Diamond/Netherite armor
- Stacks of good food
- Water bucket
- Stacks of strong blocks
- Ender Chest
How to fight shulkers
As soon as players find an End city and try to raid them, they will encounter shulkers - a type of hostile mob. These are immovable mobs that are stuck to the structure's walls, and they guard the structure and attack the players if they approach.

They have protective shells around them, and whenever they attack, they open their shells and shoot shulker bullets. These bullets give players a status effect of levitation, making them slowly float upwards. If players keep getting hit by these bullets, the effect continues and they keep levitating upwards.
To stop this, players can either throw an ender pearl down on the ground to teleport back, or simply destroy the bullets with any melee weapon. Players can also place themselves underneath a block to stop them levitating any further, and use a water bucket to prevent any fall damage after the effect wears off.

The best way to attack a shulker is to either use ranged weapons to shoot them without them getting provoked, or attack with a melee weapon when they are completely open.
Loot in End cities
End cities are filled with all kinds of valuable loot like diamonds and enchanted tools, armor and weapons, saddles, etc. Players can also loot shells dropped by the dead shulkers and make shulker boxes, which are great for storing items.

If players find a floating ship along with the city, they are in luck as they can find the ultra rare Elytra in there as well. The treasure room will have two chest loots and one item frame with Elytra on it.
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