The Minecraft 1.19 update was finally released last week, and players have been enjoying all the new features that it is giving them. The Warden, Allay, Mangrove Swamp, Ancient Cities, and so much more have all been released after much anticipation.
The Mangrove Swamp is quickly becoming a fan favorite. It is the exclusive home to mud, Mangrove trees, all the related blocks and items, and a fan-favorite mob, frogs.
Frogs spawn naturally in two biomes: the Mangrove Swamp and the regular swamp biome. They can be kept as pets and even bred to produce frogspawns, which will eventually hatch tadpoles.
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Getting frogs as pets and breeding them in Minecraft 1.19 update
Unfortunately, frogs cannot be tamed at this point in the game. Only a few mobs can genuinely be tamed, like wolves, cats, ocelots, parrots, and horses.
Even a few of those aren't tamed the same way. Wolves, cats, and parrots can be tamed and then sat down or stood up to follow players.
Frogs can be kept as pets, though. However, many mobs can be put on leads and taken to places, and frogs are included in that list. They move pretty slowly, but Minecraft gamers can leash them and drag them along.

The fact that they can be put on a lead also means Minecraft frogs can be placed on a fence post. They'll wander around and possibly even jump in the air, but they'll remain tethered to the fence post as long as no one removes them.
That's about the extent of keeping them as pets, though an alternative would be to make a terrarium of some kind and put them inside it. Crafters can't control them, and they can't be sat down to stay in one place.
Individuals can feed frogs something to make them reproduce, though. This method was introduced in update 1.19 and has already become one of the most expensive ways to breed any mob.
To make a frog enter love mode, they need to be fed one slime ball. These items can be obtained by killing slimes or a panda sneezing, though that is incredibly rare.
Occasionally, wandering traders will have slime balls for trade, but that's also pretty rare. Once two frogs have been fed slime balls, they will enter love mode and produce frogspawn.
They'll lay the frogspawn on an open block with at least one block of space above it. Over time, this frogspawn will produce tadpoles, eventually growing into frogs.
The biome of the tadpole's growth determines what kind of frog it will be. There are currently three different types of frogs in Minecraft.
Orange frogs are produced when tadpoles grow in temperate biomes like swamps, forests, and mushroom fields.
Cold biomes, like frozen peaks, tundra, or frozen ocean, produce green frogs. White frogs come from Mangrove Swamps, Jungles, and other biomes.
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