The Vote Update was 2023's Minecraft April Fools' snapshot that came with many intriguing features. This snapshot contains many features, surpassing the combined elements of several major updates. Typically, snapshots are released as test versions that allow players to try the upcoming features to report bugs and glitches they may come across.
The April Fools' snapshots, on the other hand, offer a unique and unconventional experience by introducing some of the most non-Minecraft-like features, setting them apart from other snapshots. They are released every year on the same day and have become one of the most anticipated updates released annually.
Turn into any mob in the Minecraft 23w13a_or_b snapshot
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The April Fool's snapshot in 2023 was one of the most bizarre snapshots ever released that came with too many features. Since the snapshot did not have detailed patch notes released, players had to discover the features on their own. Even now, players are coming across more new additions as they spend more time in the game.
One of the main features was the addition of two new items called the Bottle of Void and the Bottle of Entity. The Bottle of Void looks similar to a regular water bottle, but its use differs.
A Bottle of Void can be used on entities to get a Bottle of Entity, which turns the player into the mob it was used on upon consumption. Players will need to consume another Bottle of Void to revert its effects. Using this item, the player can turn into any mob they can get close to.
How to get Bottle of Void

The Bottle of Void is an easy item to obtain. However, players must first unlock it through voting. Creative mode players can skip the tedious of waiting for the proposal to appear and vote for the game feature by simply using a command: "/vote rule minecraft:drink_air approve."
Once done, players need to acquire an empty glass bottle and drink the air from it. Doing so in survival mode turns the empty glass bottle into a Bottle of Void.
Other mob features in Minecraft snapshot 23w13a_or_b

A new cow variation that wears glass on its head and naturally generates on the moon has been added. It drops glass, cheese, and bones upon death and walks backward.
Another new mob called Ray Tracing can be found in this snapshot. Once approved, it can be spawned using the "/vote rule minecraft:ray_tracing approve" command. It wanders around the world and sends random messages in the chat like any other player.
The size of the entities, including the player, can also be altered for a short while using the potion of small and the potion of big. Furthermore, this snapshot introduces a fun Easter Egg where naming a tamed wolf "kingbdogz," after the gameplay director at Mojang, causes a crown to appear above the wolf's head.
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