Endermites, the tiny Minecraft mobs created on rare occasions when players throw an Ender Pearl, don't do much on their own but can help bait other mobs.
Possessing a 5% chance to appear when an Ender Pearl is thrown and broken, accruing a sizable number of endermites can take several Ender Pearl throws. However, there are upsides to collecting a few endermites when possible, as they can be used as bait to lure endermen specifically.
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In this light, endermites can be incredibly helpful in creating enderman farms and traps.
Minecraft: Using endermites as bait in enderman traps

One of the cheapest and simplest ways to farm endermen in Minecraft, endermite lure traps operate on the behavior of endermen, who will attempt to attack any endermite within 64 blocks of their location. They require a name tag, a mine cart, some building blocks, and of course, an endermite.
However, some automated designs use hoppers, chests, rails, trap doors, and more.
Placing the endermite in a minecart ensures it remains stationary and serves as a non-moving target for endermen. Minecraft players can then create a transport system to move attacking endermen to a new location, create a funnel-like structure to force the endermen into an area or create a 43-block drop area where endermen can fall.
The drop mechanism will reduce endermen who fall within to one hit from death, creating an excellent opportunity to be farmed for experience and additional Ender Pearls.
Traps such as these provide great utility for endermites that contrasts with their intended use in Minecraft, which was essentially to despawn or simply be killed by endermen or the player for meager gains.
To improve spawn rates, Minecraft gamers will ideally want to create these traps within The End itself, placed approximately 128 blocks away from the primary island where endermen and the End Dragon are usually located.
This will ensure that endermen spawning on the island itself don't chew into the spawning rates and essentially compete with the farm for spawns. One hundred twenty-eight blocks should be sufficient to prevent spawning on the primary island, therefore shifting spawns to the loaded chunks closer to the farm itself.
This provides a massive benefit in the number of endermen available to the player.
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