Minecraft commands can make gameplay a lot easier for many players. Oftentimes, it's enjoyable to just run around, explore a world, collect items and loot without any struggles.
Although it's not really the same as in Creative mode, playing Survival with commands and cheats activated can strike a perfect balance between the two.
While it does disable achievements, much to the chagrin of hardcore Minecraft players, it represents a great balance between Creative and Survival modes.
One command that many players use to great effect is the particle command. Here's how to use it.
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Particle command is an interesting tool in Minecraft Bedrock Edition
Particles in Minecraft are special graphics-related effects that are created when certain events occur, such as explosions, rainfall, or smelting items in a furnace. Other than their natural occurrence in those settings, they can only be used with a command.
Commands can be turned on and off in world settings, either before or after creating the world. However, activating them will disable achievements. In Bedrock Edition, the syntax for the command is: "/particle <effect> <position>."
- effect is the name of a particle to create
- position the coordinate where the particles need to be

There are tons of different particle effects, including large explosion, angry villager, phantom trails and more. Here are a few of the simplest examples to tag in the command:
- soul_particle
- shulker_bullet
- note_particle
- mob_portal
- large_explosion
- heart_particle
- falling_dust
- evoker_spell
- end_chest
- endrod
- dragon_destroy_block
- critical_hit_emitter
- blue_flame_particle
- water_wake_particle
To use this command in Bedrock Edition of Minecraft (and other versions), it will need to be entered into the chat and sent as a regular message. When playing with others, the command will be visible to everyone.
The particle command is a fun addition and can be used to brighten up a world or tinker with the effects in the game.
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