Snow golems are a type of Minecraft mob which players can create in-game. They don't spawn naturally, but players can make themselves one with just some snow blocks and a carved pumpkin.
These snowman-like creatures are friendly. As one of Minecraft’s few utility mobs, snow golems will follow players around and throw snowballs at any mob that approaches.
While Minecraft players can use snow golems to help them perform a variety of tasks, one of the mob’s main uses is as a defense against hostile mobs. Here’s a quick guide on snow golems, their uses, and how to use them.
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How to use a Minecraft snow golem

Creating a Minecraft snow golem
Players can create a snow golem by stacking two snow blocks and placing a carved pumpkin on top. Players can also use a jack o’lantern or, in Bedrock Edition, an uncarved pumpkin. This pattern will also work if it’s built sideways or upside-down, as long as the pumpkin or jack o’lantern is placed last.
In Java Edition, players can also place the pattern with an uncarved pumpkin and use shears on it to spawn a snow golem. A dispenser or enderman can also create a snow golem, if it happens to place down the final pumpkin block.
Snow golems are immune to fall damage, but will still use their path-finding skills to avoid falling off of cliffs. These path-finding abilities also help them avoid any cactus block, fire, lava, or water that they come across. Snow golems do not take damage from powder snow.
Snow golems can take damage from the heat of the Nether and from biomes with a temperature over 1.0. This can be prevented with the Fire Resistance effect. Snow golems are also harmed whenever they come into contact with water or rain.

Snowball farming
When snow golems move, they leave a trail of snow in their wake. This only happens in snowy, cold, and temperate biomes which have a temperature of less than 0.81. These trails of snow can be dug up and used by the player as snowballs. Snow golems can also drop anywhere between zero and fifteen snowballs upon their death.
Snow golems will never intentionally attack a Minecraft player, but will actively move to provoke nearby hostile mobs. They do this by throwing snowballs at a hostile mob. This doesn’t deal any damage to mobs other than wolves and blazes, but can still be used to knock back and distract the mobs that are hit.
Players looking to utilize a snow golem’s defensive capabilities can do so in several ways. One way is by building a snow golem turret. There are two types of snow golem turrets: pushing turrets and pulling turrets.
Pushing turrets use snow golems’ knockback abilities to push hostile mobs back. Players can build a pushing turret by placing one or more snow golems in an enclosed area where they can throw snowballs without being attacked.
Pulling turrets are turrets which draw hostile mobs towards a trap. These turrets can be built when a player encloses a snow golem in an area surrounded by lava. The snow golem will throw snowballs at hostile mobs to aggravate them, and the hostile mobs will walk towards them into the surrounding lava.
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