Torchflowers are one of the newest flower types in Minecraft. They are ancient plants that can be grown in the game, thanks to the arrival of the sniffer mob. They are slated to be fully released in version 1.20 or the Trails & Tales update.
Though they're still technically in development, torchflowers are already being used extensively, courtesy of Java and Bedrock's snapshots/previews. These programs have allowed players to tinker with the new flowers and many other features that are set to arrive when the Trails & Tales update debuts.
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Uses of a torchflower in Minecraft 1.20 and its betas

Due to their ancient nature, torchflowers aren't found in traditional biomes growing with other flowers. To find them, players have to rely on the assistance of a sniffer. The mob will prowl the landscape and dig up torchflower seeds that players can utilize for their own needs. These seeds require the player to till farmland and plant them in this plot to get a torchflower to grow.
Once a player has a fully-grown torchflower, they will likely want to know how they can use it. At the moment, torchflowers have a few uses in Minecraft, but this may change in future updates.
Here are a few ways to use torchflowers in Minecraft 1.20 and its betas:
- The simplest thing you can do with a torchflower is use it as decoration. All you need to do is equip it to your hands and right-click or press the "Place Block" button on your controller. Mobile users can tap the block they'd like to place the torchflower on. Keep in mind that flowers can only be placed on grass, dirt, coarse dirt, moss, and mud.
- By placing a torchflower in the crafting grid, you can convert it into orange dye. The same effect can also be accomplished by placing an orange tulip in the grid of a crafting table.
- If you combine a red mushroom, a brown mushroom, a bowl, and a torchflower in the crafting grid, you will create a suspicious stew. This stew, when created with a torchflower, will bestow you four seconds of Night Vision in Bedrock Edition and five seconds of Night Vision in Java Edition.
- Like all flowers, you can place a torchflower into a composter block for a 65% chance of increasing the compost level by one.
- If you have torchflower seeds available, you can use them for many things other than planting in Minecraft. For instance, you can give torchflower seeds to sniffers and chickens to place them in Love Mode for breeding. These seeds will also speed the growth process of snifflets and baby chickens by 10% each time they're fed the seeds. Lastly, torchflower seeds can also be used to tame parrots.
Hopefully, as Minecraft continues to evolve, there will be even more uses for torchflowers and their seeds in the game.
Many players have requested that, due to their name, torchflowers should also give off light when planted. However, it's unclear whether Mojang intends to follow this point of feedback at the moment.
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