There are no shortage of differences between Minecraft Java Edition and Bedrock Edition. While many of these differences, such as how redstone works or the different ways that structures generate, are quite major, there are also plenty of smaller disparities between the versions. Some of the best examples relate to the items that are, or aren't, accessible to players.
There are several items in Java Edition that are missing in their entirety from Bedrock. Five detailed descriptions of such items can be found below.
5 Java-exclusive Minecraft items missing from Bedrock
1) Debug stick

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The debug stick seems to be a regular stick, though it has the purple glow of an enchanted item. However, it is much more useful than a regular stick, as it can be used to edit the state of blocks. For example, players can change the direction that blocks are facing or waterlog them without needing buckets.
This makes fixing minor block placement issues within small spaces much easier than it otherwise would be, making the item's absence from Bedrock even more frustrating.
2) Knowledge book

Knowledge books are interesting utility items. These items can only be obtained with commands, similar to debug sticks. When consumed, they will reveal locked crafting recipes, adding them to the player's recipe book. Normally, this process happens naturally as items are found and collected.
However, Minecraft map makers can combine this with the doLimitedCrafting gamerule to control what players are able to craft. This makes it much easier to balance puzzle or adventure maps while also stopping players from breaking or skipping things. The fact that Bedrock lacks this feature can make developing maps much more frustrating.
3) Minecart with furnace

Furnaces might be one of the biggest items that Bedrock is missing. These items, made using regular minecarts and furnaces, aren't used to smelt Minecraft ores or cook food. Instead, fuel placed within them will power them, causing them to move along the rail they're on. They move at a speed of roughly four blocks per second, just slower than the regular walking speed.
Placing extra pieces of coal or charcoal inside will add three minutes of power to the minecart's energy bank, which caps out at 27 minutes of fuel.
Additionally, players can use these items to create trains. Up to four minecarts can be attached to and pulled by a furnace minecart. This allows players to automatically send items in the form of chests and Minecraft mobs over considerable distances. This is a ton of utility that Bedrock players just don't have. Hopefully, this item will be brought to Bedrock in a future parity update.
4) Potions and arrows of luck

Luck is a status effect exclusive to Java Edition. The Luck of the Sea Minecraft enchantment increases a player's luck while fishing, which is what makes treasure more likely to end up hooked.
There are also a few other luck items in Java Edition, though these are unfortunately unobtainable without using Minecraft commands. This includes the potion of luck, which has splash and lingering variants, and the tipped arrow of luck.
As with many other items mentioned so far, luck potions and arrows are entirely absent from Bedrock Edition.
5) Spectral arrows and the glowing effect

Glowing is similar to luck in that it's a status effect missing from Bedrock. It causes an affected mob to gain a bright outline that's visible through walls.
There are currently two different ways to apply glowing to entities. The first is via the bell. When rung, a bell will cause any illagers, ravagers, or witches within 32 blocks will gain the effect.
The other item able to apply glowing are spectral arrows. These can be found as loot within Minecraft bastions, bartered for with piglins, or crafted using regular arrows and glowstone dust.
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