Due to their rare materials, beacon blocks aren't easy to craft in Minecraft Survival Mode, but players can't argue with the results. Once placed on an appropriate pyramid and powered, beacons provide a collection of powerful effects that are invaluable to players.
Depending on the size of the pyramid in question and the material being used to power it (iron ingots, gold ingots, emeralds, diamonds, or netherite ingots), different powers are available for players to receive within the beacon's area of effect. These powers are segmented between primary and secondary, each with its own beneficial effects.
For Minecraft players assembling their first beacon pyramid, it's wise to know each power's effects for posterity.
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All Beacon Powers as of Minecraft 1.19

Applied via beacons and certain potions, Speed is an effect that does exactly what players might expect: it increases their movement speed. Beacons can apply Speed to players within their effective radius, increasing their movement speed by 20%.
In addition to the speed increase, this positive status effect also expands the player's field of view (FOV) accordingly. With each increased rank of Speed, players receive an additional 20% movement speed, meaning activating a high-level beacon providing the Speed effect can make players within the area of effect remarkably quick even without sprinting.

If players want a little help battling enemies or mining blocks, then making their beacon produce the Haste effect is a great option. Haste is a status effect that increases the attack speed of the player by 10% and their mining speed by 20% per rank. This can be a huge help in taking out hostile mobs and clearing out blocks for building projects, though there is a caveat.
If players are also afflicted by Mining Fatigue (inflicted by elder guardians), their mining speed will diminish regardless of Haste being active. However, Haste Rank III can still overcome Mining Fatigue to a slight degree.

If players in Survival Mode are having a rough time taking damage, Resistance can be a big help. This status effect reduces incoming damage from nearly all sources, with the exception of starvation, high-yield explosions (like ghast fireballs), and the effects of the Void.
Resistance operates alongside other means of damage reduction, such as armor, and will only reduce the remaining damage after all other reduction effects have been accounted for. Much like other status effects, Resistance provides a 20% reduction per rank.
Jump Boost

Minecraft players can't jump particularly high when traversing in-game terrain. While Jump Boost may not be as useful as most beacon powers, it has its upsides.
As players might expect, Jump Boost improves a player's jump height by 50% per rank. Additionally, the effect reduces fall damage by one half of a heart per rank. This can help players clear obstacles like fences more easily, and they won't be in as much pain after a bad fall.

Players who love to battle will likely enjoy the Strength effect, as it increases their melee damage output. In Minecraft: Java Edition, Strength increases a player's melee damage by three points (or one and a half hearts) per level.
However, in Bedrock Edition, damage calculation is more complex. For Bedrock recipients of Strength, damage is applied by calculating the weapon's base damage, multiplying it by 1.3 to the exponential number of the effect's rank, subtracting one point, and dividing the result by .3.
While the damage calculation for Bedrock Edition is more complex, it operates similarly to its Java counterpart. All players need to know is that as the effect rank increases, their melee strikes hit harder than normal.

Arguably one of the most helpful beacon powers available, Regeneration is an effect that many players may already be aware of. This effect restores a player's or mob's health over time.
While players already have natural health regeneration when their hunger bar is filled, the Regeneration effect works tirelessly until the effect duration ends. The amount of health restored per second effectively multiplies by two with each rank, though certain ranks can't exactly be obtained through vanilla gameplay with beacons.
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