Minecraft players are no strangers to random explosions, often caused by the infamous creeper mobs. Even in the Nether dimension, unexpected ghast attacks can surprise players with explosions on impacts.
Given the prevalence of random explosions in the game, players need to know which blocks to use in key areas of their builds to safeguard chests and structures. This knowledge is particularly valuable in scenarios such as automatic farm designs, where aesthetics may be less of a concern compared to protecting the farm itself.
In this article, we compile a list of all the blocks that offer explosion resistance in Minecraft.
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Every explosion resistant Minecraft block

Minecraft is a vast open-world game filled with numerous blocks, each with its own unique properties. While many players focus primarily on the texture and color of blocks for their builds, understanding the explosion-resistant nature of certain blocks can be invaluable in keeping their creations secure.
Here's a list of items that are practically blast-resistant:
- Bedrock
- End gateway
- End portal
- End portal frame
- Command blocks
- Structure blocks
- Jigsaw blocks
- Ancient debris
- Anvil
- Block of Netherite
- Crying obsidian
- Respawn anchor
- Enchanting table
- Obsidian
- Reinforced deepslate
- Ender chest
- Ominous trial spawner
- Ominous vault
- Trial spawner
- Vault
- Heavy core
It's important to note that each block in the game possesses a resistance value, and the items listed above have values higher than the strongest explosions in Minecraft survival and creative game modes, rendering them practically explosion-resistant.
Additionally, there are a few more blocks, such as deepslate bricks and smooth stone, that can withstand light explosions from wither skull and ghast fireball attacks. However, any other explosion will destroy them.
Equipment and enchantments to protect against explosions

Explosions close to the player can cause more harm than those near structures, as players might be carrying valuables that could become irretrievable upon death depending on the location. Therefore, understanding the best armor equipment and enchantments to reduce the damage sustained from explosions is crucial for survival in Minecraft.
When it comes to explosions, it's no secret that higher-tier armor can withstand more damage. However, using a shield is a must, as it can protect players against creeper explosions without leaving a bruise. Shields being easy to craft is another reason to always carry a few in the inventory.
To increase their chances of surviving unexpected explosions, players should combine their high-tier armor equipment with Protection and Blast Protection enchantments. The highest level of Blast Protection will reduce damage sustained from explosions by 32%.
While both enchantments are easily accessible through the enchanting table, it's important to note that they are mutually exclusive, meaning only one can be applied to an item.
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