When players first enter the world of Minecraft, they will be greeted by a mob. Mobs are A.I. entities that roam around in all three realms. There are all kinds of mobs present that players can interact with, fight, and even befriend. In 2022, several new mobs were added to the game to improve the game even more.
There are three major types of mobs in Minecraft: Passive, Neutral and Hostile. As the name suggests, passive mobs will not attack the player and will run or defend themselves somehow. Neutral mobs will not attack or harm players as long as they do not harm the mobs. Finally, hostile mobs will always attack players and try to kill them as soon as possible.
Passive mob

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These are the most common types of mobs and are found in the Overworld (except Striders). Some of these mobs are farm animals and can be used to obtain items for survival, while others are cute and friendly mobs that can be tamed and used for several purposes. Players can even trade items with certain passive mobs. Here is the full list of passive mobs in Minecraft as of August 2022:
- Allay
- Axolotl
- Bat
- Cat
- Chicken
- Cod
- Cow
- Donkey
- Fox
- Frog
- Glow Squid
- Horse
- Mooshroom
- Mule
- Ocelot
- Parrot
- Pig
- Pufferfish
- Rabbit
- Salmon
- Sheep
- Skeleton Horse
- Snow Golem
- Squid
- Strider
- Tadpole
- Tropical Fish
- Turtle
- Villager
- Wandering Trader
Neutral mobs

These mobs will initially be passive towards players and roam worldwide. However, if the player does something they don't like or attacks them in a certain state, they will become hostile and start attacking the player.
Their hostility also varies. Some might leave the player if they evade, while others will kill the player at any cost. Some of them can even be tamed and kept as pets, though before taming, they are neutral. Here is the full list of neutral mobs in Minecraft as of August 2022:
- Bee
- Cave Spider
- Dolphin
- Enderman
- Goat
- Iron Golem
- Llama
- Panda
- Piglin
- Polar Bear
- Spider
- Trader Llama
- Wolf
- Zombified Piglin
Hostile mobs

Since Minecraft is a survival-based game, it wouldn't be challenging without some dangerous creatures trying to kill the players in several instances. Regarding hostile mobs, the game is known for some iconic creatures. These creatures only have one goal: to keep chasing and attacking players until they die.
Different mobs have different ways to harm players. Some use explosions, bows and arrows, while others use magical potions and items to harm players in unique ways. The game has the most number of hostile mobs in terms of variety. Here is the full list of hostile mobs in Minecraft as of August 2022:
- Blaze
- Chicken Jockey
- Creeper
- Drowned
- Elder Guardian
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Ghast
- Guardian
- Hoglin
- Husk
- Magma Cube
- Phantom
- Piglin Brute
- Pillager
- Ravager
- Shulker
- Silverfish
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Horseman
- Slime
- Spider Jockey
- Stray
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Warden
- Witch
- Wither Skeleton
- Zoglin
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
After the latest 1.19 The Wild Update, Mojang added one of the scariest and most powerful hostile mobs to the game: The Warden. It completely changed how the players interacted with the game and their playstyle. This shows how important hostile mobs are in the game.
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