Minecraft hosts a plethora of different mobs. Most mobs are land-based, with some water-dwelling creatures being a part of the game as well. However, there are also a few mobs that can fly. These mobs can attack the player and are harder to kill. Players can also tame them.
Each of these mobs has different characteristics and drop various items or resources. Out of the 73 mobs in Minecraft, only eight can fly. Some of them reside in the Nether, while others are found in the Overworld.
Every flying mob in Minecraft
1) Bat

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The bat is a passive mod found in caves and mines. Bats can be found casually resting or sleeping upside-down on cave ceilings during the day and flying away as they see the player approaching them. Bats can be killed quickly and have no drops. They sometimes run into lava while flying and get burned.
2) Parrot

Parrots are friendly mobs found in the Jungle biome. The player can tame them by offering them seeds. Once tamed, they can be made to sit on the player’s shoulder. They can spawn in five different colors: red, green, blue, cyan, and gray. Like any pet in Minecraft, parrots teleport to the player if there’s a distance of 11 blocks or more between them.
3) Phantom

Phantoms are hostile flying mobs in Minecraft. They appear at night if and when the player has not slept for three days. They usually spawn in packs of one to four. They deal significant damage and can be hard to fight due to their diving attacks and their ability to fly in general.
4) Vex
Vexes are small, winged spirits that spawn exclusively in Woodland Mansions. They spawn in groups of 2-4 when an Evoker uses its summoning attacks and can attack the player or any other mob the Evoker commands them to. They are immune to fire and lava damage and can pass through any wall.
5) Ghast

Ghasts are big, white floating mobs found only in the Nether. They are identified by their high-pitched shrieks and cries. They shoot fireballs at the player on sight, which can be deflected back at them.
6) Blaze

Blazes are dangerous mobs that spawn only in Nether Fortresses, usually through a Blaze spawner. They are the only source of Blaze rods, which are essential for game progression. They shoot three fireballs at players, which can be blocked with a shield. Blazes can be killed with a high-tier weapon or a bow.
7) Wither
The Wither is a three-headed boss mob in Minecraft. Once spawned, it uses a powerful ranged attack that causes massive explosions and can even destroy Obsidian. It also shoots Wither skulls at the player, which gives the Wither II effect to the player. It is immune to both fire and lava.
8) Ender Dragon
The Ender Dragon can be considered to be the final boss of Minecraft. It spawns in the End and can regenerate health using End crystals. It drops a considerable amount of experience when killed. It can be respawned using End crystals.
9) Bee
Bees are neutral flying mobs found in Bee nests and Bee hives. They can also spawn in the Plains and Sunflower Plains (5% chance), Flower Forest (2%) and all other Forest and Hills biomes (0.2%). If attacked, they will attempt to sting the player inflicting Poison damage. Bee Nests can be used to farm Honey.
Despite being low in number, flying mobs in Minecraft are some of the most significant creatures in the game. They can be tricky to kill and amazing to befriend.
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