In Minecraft, there are several blocks that emit light, which is an important component in the game since it determines what type of mob spawns in which area. It comes in levels ranging from zero to 15.
Most mobs need a particular light level to spawn. Passive entities usually generate above level seven, while hostile ones present themselves only when the light block has a level of zero. Hence, blocks that radiate this energy are crucial when it comes to spawn-proofing an area in Minecraft.
Players can place any kind of light block to prevent hostile mobs from generating. Additionally, they can do the same thing to enable useful farm animals to spawn more often as well. Different light blocks emit different levels of this energy. Those that offer the highest level of light are considered to be the best for spawn-proofing areas. The rest are mainly used for decoration and other purposes.
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Complete list of light blocks in Minecraft
Here is the entire list of all the light blocks present in Minecraft, including both full and partial blocks. The list has been arranged according to the degree of light level the blocks emit.
Light level 15

- Beacon
- Conduit
- End Gateway
- End Portal
- Fire
- Four waterlogged Sea Pickles
- Froglight
- Glowstone
- Jack O' Lantern
- Lantern
- Lava
- Lava Cauldron
- Lit Campfire
- Lit Redstone Lamp
- Fully charged Respawn Anchor
- Sea Lantern
- Shroomlight
Light level 14

- Colored torches (Education and Bedrock Edition only)
- Cave Vines with berries
- End Rod
- Torch
- Underwater Torch (Education and Bedrock Edition only)
Light level 13

- Lit Blast Furnace
- Lit Furnace
- Lit Smoker
Light level 12

- Four Lit Candles
- Glowing Obsidian (Education and Bedrock Edition only)
- Three waterlogged Sea Pickles
Light level 11

- Nether Portal
- 3/4th filled Respawn Anchor
Light level 10

- Crying Obsidian
- Lit Soul Campfire
- Soul Fire
- Soul Lantern
- Soul Torch
Light level 9

- Three lit Candles
- Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore
- Lit Redstone Ore
- Two waterlogged Sea Pickles
Light level 7

- Enchanting Table
- Ender Chest
- Glow Lichen
- Lit Redstone Torch
- 1/2 filled Redstone Anchor
Light level 6

- One waterlogged Sea Pickle
- Sculk Catalyst
- Two lit Candles
Light level 5

- Amethyst Cluster
Light level 4

- Large Amethyst Bud
Light level 3

- Magma Block
- One Lit Candle
- 1/4th Filled Respawn Anchor
Light level 2

- Medium Amethyst Bud
Light level 1

- Brewing Stand
- Brown Mushroom
- Dragon Egg
- End Portal Frame
- Sculk Sensor
- Small Amethyst Bud
Invisible Light

Apart from all these regular blocks that emit light and are available in the world, there is a special block that radiates the same energy: Invisible Light. It is generally used by map creators to add a source of light hidden from view. This item can only be obtained through commands.
Any light level can be assigned to it by way of configuration. This makes it the only block in the game capable of producing a light level of eight. Once the player removes this item from their hands, the placed block disappears as well, similar to barrier blocks.
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