The stonecutter, introduced in the Minecraft 1.14 update, is one of several new villager job blocks that have their own uses outside of giving a villager a job. The stonecutter is very useful and has a ton of blocks that can be put into it and produces different variations. Making bricks and other versions of blocks is much easier with a stonecutter.
There are tons of different blocks that can be put into it, making it an extremely useful block for Minecraft players. Here are all the blocks that can be used in a stonecutter and what it'll produce.
All blocks Minecraft players can put in stonecutters
The only requirement for the stonecutter is that the blocks used in it generally have to be made of stone. It cuts stone, so it won't work with wood or glass, or other blocks.
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All stone varieties (smooth, bricks, mossy, cobblestone) can be put into a stonecutter and will produce chiseled versions as well as slabs and stairs. All sandstone blocks can be used, so red sandstone, chiseled sandstone and the rest can be put in the stonecutter.
Granite, diorite, and andesite can also be put into a stonecutter, producing slabs, stairs, and more. Prismarine, found only at Ocean Monuments, can be put in since it is the ocean variant of stone. Quartz, in block form (simple Nether Quartz won't do anything), can be used to create quartz pillars and other blocks.
Purpur blocks, found exclusively in End Cities, can be used in a stonecutter as well. This will make stairs, slabs, and other versions also found in the End. End stone can also be used.
Nether bricks from Nether fortresses can be used to make Nether Brick Stairs. Blackstone and Basalt, more Nether specific blocks, can be used as well. Additionally, since the Minecraft 1.17 update, copper can be used in a stonecutter as well.

Stonecutters can be crafted with three blocks of stone (not cobblestone) and an iron ingot. They can also be found relatively commonly in villages.
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