Since its release, Minecraft has been widely popular because of how unbelievably big the game's world is. At its core, Minecraft is a survival game that requires players to collect resources to survive. While exploring the world of Minecraft, players will have the opportunity to explore numerous structures and biomes.
The game has not one but three dimensions that players can access once they are ready to face the ferocious creatures that reside there. Each dimension is entirely distinct from the other and has multiple biomes.
List of Minecraft dimensions
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Dimensions in Minecraft refer to an alternate realm with unique blocks, structures, items, and mobs. Only the dimension where the player is initially spawned is considered safe, as it is the closest to real life and has fewer scary mobs.
The Overworld

It is the safest dimension in Minecraft that also seems to be the biggest as there is a lot more to explore here. Players do not have to go through a portal to get here as they are naturally spawned here upon creating a new world. Even when players die in a different dimension, they spawn in the Overworld.
In the Overworld, players will find a lot of passive mobs, such as villagers, sheep, and pigs. Because of this, creating mob farms for food and other mob drops is the easiest here.

The Overworld's environment is astonishingly complex and has around twelve main biomes, with numerous variations of each. This is also the only biome where day and night cycles happen, as the other two dimensions do not have the sun.
Most naturally generated structures are also generated here, and like in real life, the Overworld also has oceans.
The Nether

This dimension is not for the faint-hearted, as some of the most dangerous Minecraft mobs are spawned here, and the terrain is generated in a way to make exploring this place a thrilling and challenging experience.
There are only five distinct biomes in the Nether, three of which were added recently with the Minecraft 1.16 update. Players must build a portal using obsidian blocks to access this fiery dimension.

Obsidian is a super hard block that can only be mined using a diamond pickaxe. The player needs at least ten obsidian blocks, and once the blocks have been placed, as shown in the above image, they need to activate the portal using flint & steel.
End dimension

Players usually visit the End dimension a lot less than the Nether. The reason is that the End is a monotonous place with little to offer. However, most Minecrafters visit the End a few times to defeat the Ender Dragon and acquire elytra.
Unlike the nether portal, the end portal cannot be created manually. The end portal is generated inside a room of strongholds, a rare underground structure. Players can locate this rare structure using the eye of enders.
Pressing the use button with an eye of ender equipped makes it float in the direction of the stronghold. Players can follow it to reach the underground structure.

Finding the portal isn't enough, as it always has empty frames. Players will have to place the eye of enders in those frames to activate the portal and access the End.
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