In Minecraft, living entities are called mobs, and they can be found in many places. Many hostile mobs spawn anywhere that their light conditions are met. Mobs are an essential part of the game as a few of them provide helpful items.
When most mobs are killed, they drop an item and some experience points. A few of the other mobs, such as sheep, are not worth killing as they provide things like wool from time to time.
A handful of mobs in the game can be summoned by placing certain blocks in the correct orientation. Here's a list of all the mobs that players can summon in Minecraft survival mode.
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Minecraft mobs that can be summoned by the player in survival mode
Iron Golem

Commonly seen in villages, the iron golem is a neutral mob that can be summoned using iron blocks. It also spawns naturally in villages and protects the villagers from hostile mobs. Another place an iron golem may spawn is inside the cage that sometimes generates next to pillager outposts.
Iron golems will drop iron ingots upon death. Minecrafters often create automatic iron golem farms as they are a highly efficient source of iron.
To summon an iron golem, players need four blocks of iron and a carved pumpkin or jack-o'-lantern. Put the iron blocks in a T shape and then place the pumpkin on the middle block.
Snow Golem

Snow golem is a passive mob that can be created using two snow blocks and a carved pumpkin or a jack-o'-lantern. It is a utility mob that attacks hostile creatures with snowballs.
A snow golem is summoned when the player places snow blocks on top of each other and then puts a carved pumpkin on top.

Wither is a scary boss mob with three heads. It drops a nether star which can be used to craft beacons. To create a wither, players need four blocks of soul sand or soul soil blocks, and three wither skulls. Wither skulls can be obtained by killing wither skeletons.
Players need to place the soul soil blocks in a T-shape and put down all three heads on top.
Ender Dragon

Like the Wither, the Ender Dragon is also a boss mob. It spawns naturally once in every world. However, after defeating it, players can re-summon it using end crystals. To do so, players need to place four end crystals, one on each side on the edges of the exit portal.
Baby mobs

Villagers and many animals in Minecraft can be bred by the player usually by feeding them their preferred food choice. When two mobs breed, a baby mob is born, which eventually grows up and joins its parent mob.
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