Mobs in Minecraft are AI-driven entities that resemble living creatures. A mob is a short form for “mobile entity”.
There is a vast array of mobs in the game, ranging from creepers eager to kill players at every opportunity to chickens and other domestic mobs that flee from users even if attacked.
Due to this, mobs can be broadly classified into three behavioral groups: passive, neutral, and hostile. Between a creeper and a chicken lie neutral mobs.
These mobs are entities that do not try to harm gamers under normal circumstances. However, if they are provoked or attacked, these mobs fight back. There can be different triggering mechanisms that provoke these mobs.
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Like all the other mobs, the same physics and environmental changes that apply to players also apply to them. They also drop appreciable amounts of loot and XP upon dying.
While in Creative mode, these mobs do not harm users even when provoked.
Neutral mobs in Minecraft 1.18 listed and explained
List of all neutral mobs present in Minecraft 1.18:
- Bee
- Cave Spider
- Dolphin
- Enderman
- Goat
- Iron Golem (naturally spawned)
- Llama
- Panda
- Piglin
- Polar Bear
- Spider
- Trader Llama
- Wolf
- Zombified Piglin
Neutral mobs such as a naturally spawned Iron Golem can start attacking gamers if the latter hits them or a villager. Bees will also become hostile if users try to steal their honey from a hive.
Endermen are generally harmless, but if players look directly in their eyes, they will charge and try to kill them. Spiders and cave spiders are also considered neutral mobs since they only become hostile if the light level goes below 11 for spiders and 9 for cave spiders.

All neutral mobs display hostility towards users when aggravated, except goats.
These mobs can be of great use apart from their resources. For instance, players can build Iron Golems to defend their base or trade gold with Piglins to get amazing loot. They can also tame wolves as their pets, and these creatures can roam around with them and protect them from hostile mobs.
Neutral mobs are helpful to gamers overall and are a great inclusion to Minecraft. They provide a good balance between the passive and hostile mobs, creating a natural gradient when moving from one end of mob types to the other.
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