The Minecraft 1.18 update is coming soon, with loads of new changes and additions. This will also include bringing in some new blocks to Minecraft.
Mojang, the game's developer, called this update the biggest one to date. Minecraft 1.18 update will be released on November 30 on all supported platforms.
Blocks are an integral part of Minecraft. Every single item in the game is made up of pixels and blocks, and many new blocks have been introduced in the 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update Part 1.
With the Minecraft 1.18 update, Mojang is preparing to add some new blocks and increase the number of new ones added in the previous update.
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Note: These blocks were already available in 1.17 but didn't generate naturally. Now, in the 1.18 update, they do so.
Azalea, moss, and copper blocks part of new additions coming in Minecraft 1.18 update
Here is a list of all the new blocks being added to the Minecraft 1.18 update:
1) Azalea & flowering azalea bushes

This block is a new type of vegetation introduced in the Minecraft 1.18 update. These are small azalea bushes which only be generated in the Lush Caves.
Flowering azalea bushes can also be generated with tiny azalea flowers. Both these bushes can turn into azalea trees if players use enough bone meal.
2) Moss blocks

Moss blocks are completely green blocks made of moss and will only generate in the Lush Cave biomes.
3) Spore blossom

These are large pink flowers that hang from the ceiling and spread tiny spores around the area. These can also be found in the Lush Cave biome.
4) Dripstone

Although these blocks can rarely be found in the Minecraft 1.17 update, they will be properly generated in the Dripstone Cave biome from the Minecraft 1.18 update. This block can also generate pointy dripstones from them.
5) Powder snow

Powder snow blocks are also rarely found in the Minecraft 1.17 update but will generate abundantly in the next one. These blocks will be softer than snow, and gamers can sink in these blocks and take damage due to freezing.
6) Copper block

Copper blocks are another new block coming with the Minecraft 1.18 update. This block can only be found in rare copper ore veins.
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