Minecraft 1.18 was one of the largest updates in which Mojang has ever released for the game. This update was titled "Caves and Cliffs Part 2" and mainly focused on overhauling the game's world generation mechanics.
As a side effect of this, ore generation in Minecraft 1.18 is completely different and many of the previous methods to obtain ores no longer apply.
This helpful guide will teach players everything they need to know regarding all of the ores that made the cut in Minecraft 1.18, including the best ways to get them.
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What are all the ores included in the Minecraft 1.18 update and how do you get them?
1) Copper ore
Copper ore is a new ore added to the game as of the Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Part 1 update. At the moment there are relatively few uses for copper aside from making a spyglass and a lightning rod.
In terms of obtaining copper ore, the best way to go about this is strip mining at around Y = 47. This should theoretically give players an optimal probability of coming across copper ore veins.
2) Gold ore

There are many uses for gold in Minecraft. One of the most prominent is for crafting golden apples for use when playing PvP gamemodes.
To obtain gold as fast as possible in Minecraft version 1.18, the best way is the mine deep underground. The optimal level for gold generation is around Y = -17, which is way into deep slate territory.
3) Coal ore

Coal is one of the best ores to mine in the early stages of Minecraft and can pay dividends in the long run if properly harnessed.
As of the Minecraft 1.18 update, the ore generation of coal became much more diverse and coal can now be found at pretty much any height in the world as long as Y > 0.
This means that players can have great luck in looking for exposed coal ore on the sides of mountains or underground. When mining underground, the best levels for finding coal ore are between Y = 0 and Y = 100.
4) Iron ore

Iron is another important material to have as it can be used to craft sturdy tools and armor at the mid stage of the game.
Those looking to find iron ore in the Minecraft 1.18 update should look at around Y = 14. This is statistically the best place for iron to spawn due to the updated new world generation mechanics.
5) Emerald ore

Emerald has long since been one of the most rare materials in all of Minecraft, even rarer than diamonds.
As of the Minecraft 1.18 update, those looking to stumble across this rare ore will likely find the most success in searching at high altitudes. More specifically, the best height to look for emerald ore is around Y = 256.
6) Redstone ore

Redstone is used to create a variety of advanced circuitry in Minecraft and can be used to automate many tedious processes.
In order to obtain redstone ore quickly in Minecraft 1.18, players should search at around the level Y = -57. This is well into deep slate territory, but is statistically the best place for redstone ore to spawn.
7) Diamond ore
Diamond is well known in Minecraft as one of the most powerful materials to ever be added to the game. This material can be used to create powerful tools, armor, and more.
To come across diamond ore easily while playing Minecraft 1.18, players must ensure they mine at around the levels Y = -57. This is the same optimal point for finding redstone ore, so players can also expect to come across a lot of this on their journey for diamonds.
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