With the Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update just around the corner — expected to release in Summer 2021 — there are plenty of released features meant to be incorporated in this new update.
With myriad new blocks, items, mobs, game functions, and more being added to Minecraft, it's hard to keep up with everything being added. Some features may be a lot more recognized than others, but each addition deserves its own space.
Here is a comprehensive list of every block being added to Minecraft with the new 1.17 update.
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New blocks coming to Minecraft
There are plenty of new blocks being added to Minecraft with the latest update. Many correlate to the new biomes getting incorporated, meaning some new blocks can be found around each other.
Amethyst Geode blocks

Budding amethyst, amethyst blocks, amethyst clusters, smooth basalt, and calcite can be found together to form amethyst geodes in the Minecraft 1.17 update.
Smooth basalt is a grayish stone that surrounds the outside of these geodes and can also currently be found in Minecraft's Nether Basalt Deltas. Smooth basalt surrounds the outside of these geodes, with a layer of an off-white stone called calcite in between, before reaching the actual central amethyst.
Amethyst blocks spawn surrounding the geodes and can be collected. Budding amethyst, however, cannot be collected at all. Silk touch pickaxes do not work to compile this block, similar to how spawners cannot be collected. These budding amethyst blocks are where amethyst clusters spawn and grow.
Azaleas and Lush Cave blocks

Lush Caves are a new form of cave that players can find around their Minecraft worlds. These caves are indicated above ground by an Azalea tree.
Azalea trees grow on moss blocks and come with and without blossoming leaves. They also come with a dirt block with roots running through it, called rooted dirt. It is similar to coarse dirt in that neither mycelium or grass spread to it. Hanging roots can be found stemming from these blocks underneath them in lush caves.
Underneath these azalea trees, Minecraft players can find caves filled with water sources and lush greenery. Moss blocks spawn here in addition to moss carpets, patches of grass, and stone. In these areas, players can find decorative blocks like cave vines (which yield glow berries) that cannot be climbed.
There are also spore blossoms and dripleaves in this area. Spore blossoms are pink flowers that can only be placed on the underside of a block. They send green particles downward when opened; these particles also surround the blossoms in the air.
Dripleaves are a new installment to the Minecraft world, which can be used as parkour blocks. They allow entities to stay on them for 1.5 seconds (about 30 ticks in-game), and they have three stages: full, half, and none. They also come in two sizes: big and small.

Copper is the new ore being added to Minecraft, and it has many forms for players to take advantage of. Not only does copper have an ore form and spawn in similar locations to iron, but it also has many block forms.
Copper is the latest overworld ore added to Minecraft since Lapis Lazuli in the Java Edition Beta 1.2 in 2011.
Copper blocks come in two primary forms: waxed and unwaxed. Waxed copper blocks maintain their color regardless of the progression of time. Unwaxed copper, on the other hand, actually progresses through stages of oxidation over time. There is also a regular and cut form of this block; the latter can be created using a stonecutter.
Copper blocks come in all variants that most wood and stone come in, including stair and slab forms and a few others. This is the first instance of an ore block turning into these variants.
Different stone

Many different stone and ore variations are being added in Minecraft 1.17 to account for the world's height change.
For instance, below Y level zero, Minecraft players will find that regular stone has been replaced by deepslate — a dark gray stone with a hardness greater than stone. This deepslate gradually replaces stone in the underground between Y level -1 and Y level -64.
Mining deepslate gives players cobbled deepslate, and currently, regular deepslate can only be obtained through the use of a silk touch pickaxe.
Most ores also have a deepslate variant that generates to make ores blend into their surroundings. Coal and Copper are the only ores not to have a deepslate variant as they will not generate at levels below zero.
In addition to the calcite and smooth basalt being added through geodes, Minecraft players can also find a block, called Tuff, scattered throughout the underground in clusters between Y level -1 and -64.
Powder snow

Powder snow is a new Minecraft block that, unlike regular snow blocks, allows players to sink through it and gain the frostbite effect.
Powder snow is collected through cauldrons placed in snowy areas, and these cauldrons slowly fill up as it precipitates. Powder snow is also considered a fantastic MLG block, as it prevents damage when Minecraft players fall into it and can be used in the Nether.
Standing in powder snow blocks slowly makes a frostbitten vignette appear around the player's screen. Eventually, the player or entity inside the block will take damage. Players can prevent this effect, however, by wearing any piece of leather armor.
Minecraft's leather boots can also be used to stand atop powder snow without sinking into it and allow players to climb the snow like scaffolding.
Skulk sensors

Skulk sensors are the new form of Redstone the Minecraft developers are adding into the game.
Skulk sensors in Minecraft are a massive step for Redstone users as it provides them with wireless connections. These sensors let out vibrations that bounce from sensor to sensor in a chain. These blocks sense vibrations from almost any kind of interaction with the world, including block placement and breaking, footsteps, projectiles, and more.
It emits a Redstone signal when it detects these things, and a connected comparator will emit different signal strengths based on what caused the signal.
These sensors do not detect ambient weather such as rain or snow and can be muted and channeled through particular wool placement. Wool between the sensor and the movement prevents the sensor from detecting the sound.
Miscellaneous blocks

Many blocks are still being added to Minecraft, and many more haven't been released to the public yet.
Tinted glass, for example, is a new variant of black glass that is transparent to players but does not let light through. It stops itself if mined — unlike regular and stained glass — and cannot be made with stained glass.
Dripstone is a new block that can be combined to create stalactites and stalagmites. This block will naturally form in dripstone caves and will break if not attached to something. More importantly, dripstone hurts entities and players that fall on top of them (or it falls on top of), and the damage dealt is relative to the height that the entity or block falls from.
Water and lava can drip from these blocks if there is a source block above it, and a cauldron underneath the drip can collect the source.
Glow Lichen is a new vine-like block found in caves and has a light level of seven. They can be collected with shears and don't spread naturally. This light source can also be waterlogged and isn't climbable.
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