Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs, the next major update, is coming this year.
After the beautiful nether revamps, Mojang is now changing the overworld cave and mountain generation in this update. Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update is the biggest in the history of Minecraft. Fans have been eager to see all the brand new content coming to the sandbox survival game.
Mojang has officially confirmed many new blocks, mobs, changes, and tweaks for this update. Players are also receiving experimental snapshots/beta version releases to check new content first hand.
Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update: Confirmed additions and changes
World Height limit increased

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The world height limit increased to 384 blocks from Y level -64 to 320. Earlier, the world height was 256 blocks starting from Y level 0 to 256.
To accommodate deep caves and large mountains, Mojang decided to increase the world height limit. Players can now build up to Y level 320, previously 256.
Caves and Mountain changes

Caves and Mountains are the main aspects of this update. In the 1.17 update, mountains can generate up to height level 256 and have five new unique biomes. Players can find goats and powdered snow on mountains.
Nobody expected the new caves to be so beautiful and gigantic. New types of caves have also been introduced: Cheese, Catacomb, and Spaghetti. Caves can now be generated down to depth level -59.
Many new blocks have also been added to the caves, such as deepslate, smooth basalt, calcite, blocks of amethyst, budding amethyst, and amethyst clusters. Ore generation has also been tweaked.
Lush Caves and Dripstone Caves

Lush Caves and Dripstone Caves are the new cave biomes coming to the game. Lush Caves are filled with moss blocks, azaleas, and many new blocks. Glow Berries illuminate these caves and are a new light source in Minecraft.
Dripstone caves are inspired by stalactite and stalagmite. These caves are generated with pointed dripstones and dripstone blocks. Using dripstone, players can turn lava into a renewable resource in Minecraft.
New Mobs: Warden, Goat, Axolotl, and Glow Squid

The Caves and Cliffs update brings four unique mobs to Minecraft. Axolotl and Glow Squid are the new aquatic mobs, while wardens and goats spawn on land. Fans are extremely excited and waiting for these new mobs and all the new items that will be coming along.
Vibrations and Sculk Sensors

Using Sculk Sensors, players can detect vibrations and, in return, produce redstone signals. The entire Redstone community is excited about the new sculk sensors and new redstone possibilities.
Walking, placing blocks, and many other actions now produce vibrations in Minecraft. Wardens and Sculk sensors can detect these vibrations.
Many new items and resources

Copper Ore is a new mineral added to the game. Copper is used for making many new items, including lightning rods, different copper blocks, and spyglasses.
There are many other new blocks and items added to Minecraft, such as clay pots, glow ink sac, goat horns, brushes, and many more.
New gameplay called "Archaeology" is also coming with this update. Players can find treasure by removing dirt or gravel using a brush at archaeological sites.
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