The Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update is set to be released in the summer of 2021.
There are a bunch of new blocks, mobs, and biomes being added with this update, and the community cannot wait for its release. This update will be bringing an overhaul of added content for the caves of the game, making them so much more interesting and interactive.
In addition to blocks, mobs, and biomes, there's a new game mechanic being added to the game, which will revolutionize one of the most difficult and obsessed aspects of the game: Redstone.
This update has so much to bring to the table, and the community is raving over what's to come. Here is a list of the main things to expect from each category of this upcoming update.
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Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update

Copper is the newest ore coming to Minecraft and can be used in a multitude of ways.
There are currently two new items known to use copper in their crafting recipes: the spyglass and the lightning rod. Some players speculate that the new brush tool used for archaeology will be made from copper as well.
This new ore has many block forms in various oxidation states as it weathers over time.
Related: How copper is going to work in the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs 1.17 Update

Amethyst and all its forms is another block variant coming to Minecraft in the upcoming update. This is one of the rarer blocks being added to the game as the amethyst clusters grow on budding amethyst, a block that cannot be harvested.
Tuff and Calcite are two blocks that also form around amethyst geodes as their encasing.
Related: New Amethyst Geodes in Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update: Everything we know so far
Dripstone and Pointed Dripstone

Dripstone is a new decorative block that can be made with the stalagmites and stalactites being added to the game. These new materials will be great for building. They can be found around dripstone caves, one of the new biomes being added with the update.
Pointed Dripstone is what creates these stalagmites and stalactites, coming with 1.17. Dripstone can be broken with thrown tridents, pickaxes, and pistons. They hurt entities if a mob lands on them or if one falls onto the mob from the ceiling.
They do cause quite a lot of damage, so they have a lot of potential for future uses in mob farms. Water and lava also has the opportunity to drip from these blocks if there's a source block above it, meaning that if a player places a cauldron beneath one, it will slowly fill up over time.
Skulk Sensors

Skulk Sensors are the newest form of Redstone being added into the game, and it seems like they will emit a wireless form of Redstone.
These new blocks will revolutionize Redstone in Minecraft, giving creators a way to make their inventions basically invisible. Instead of using stacks upon stacks of blocks to hide messy Redstone wires, Skulk Sensors will send signals directly to the area it's meant to go.
These sensors can be muffled by wool blocks, meaning that these sensors can also be directed and deferred depending on the wool placement.

The Warden is the new boss-like mob being added to the game. This blind foe is four blocks tall and strong enough to break the Netherite armor in two hits.
The beast will reside in the Deep Dark, the new biome that will reside at the deepest depths of the world. This is the same biome where players will be able to find skulk sensors and blocks.
Using echolocation (or a form of it), the Warden can find the player through almost any type of movement: walking, shooting a bow, throwing an item, even tossing a snowball.
Related: New Warden mob in Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update: Everything we know so far

Axolotls are the cutest new mobs being added to Minecraft with update 1.17. These amphibious creatures can be found in Lush Caverns, which reside under Azalea Trees, and they have quite a unique personality.
These cute critters will attack other aquatic mobs and can be tamed by being collected in a bucket. They love to eat tropical fish, as that is how they can be mated. Players will be able to collect swarms of them and take them swimming with them.

Goats are finally being added to Minecraft. They will populate the usually quite barren tops of cliffs and snowy mountains.
Be careful, though; despite them looking extremely cute and cuddly, they will not hesitate to buck any player or entity far away from it if approached wrongly.
These mobs are neutral, making them hostile if a player gives them reason to be. They are expected to drop horns, which can be used to play the raid sound, and will probably be implemented into a couple of crafting recipes too.
The Deep Dark

The Deep Dark is the newest scary biome to explore. Home to the Warden, this biome resides at the lowest depths of the overworld shrouded in darkness. With only a few candles dotted around the area at the lootable chests, this biome will be torturous to venture through.
It is nice to note that because it'll be such a stressful situation to find a way through these depths, there may be some wonderful treasures to uncover if the player makes it through.
Related: New Warden mob in Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update: Everything we know so far
Lush Caverns

Lush Caverns are new caves that can be found below Azalea Trees. These cute, aesthetic areas are adorable to explore, filled with lush greenery, new blocks, and the cute new Axolotl mob.
These caves will be home to the new glowberry food and the dripleaf plant, a platforming plant that falls overtime if weight stays on it. This is in addition to moss, spore blossoms, and azalea roots.
To learn about more of the biomes being added into the game, check out this article: New cave biomes in Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Update: Everything we know so far
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