Snapshots are the most awaited test versions of Minecraft that Mojang releases. They come with brand new features and changes slated to be released in an upcoming version of Minecraft. After releasing seven experimental snapshots, Mojang has finally released its first-ever 1.18 Minecraft snapshot.
The Snapshot '21w37a' has most of the features that were revealed during the Minecraft Live 2020 event. As the world generation height has been increased both upwards and downwards, changes have been made to ore generations to match it. The heights at which ores were found are now different than what they used to be. Here's a closer look at all these changes.
Ore generation changes in Minecraft 1.18 Snapshot 21w37a
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Diamond ores

In the latest snapshot, diamond ores generate below Y16. Players will find more of it as they mine deeper in height. Diamond ore will also be a lot less exposed to air and will generate buried more often.
Redstone ores

Like diamonds, redstone ores also generate below Y16 in the overworld. As players dig deeper, they will start to see more redstone ores at Y32 and further below.
Gold ore

Gold is not very useful relative to other ores, but mining is still rewarding for some players. In the latest snapshot, they can be found below Y32, and players will find the highest amount of gold ore at level -16. Badland biomes still generate gold ores in large numbers.
Coal ore

Coal starts generating above Y0, and the higher the player goes, the more coal ores they will find. Mojang has also revealed that the chances of coming across coal ore blocks are the highest at Y96 and above. Like diamonds, exposed coal ore will generate less than it used to.
Lapis Lazuli ore

Lapis Lazuli can only be found if the player goes below Y64, and most of it will be generated at Y0. However, Lapis below or above Y32 cannot generate when exposed to air.
Copper ore

Copper ore can be found between Y levels 0 and 96. A lot of it generates at Y level 48. Inside dripstone caves, players will find copper ores in large quantities.
Iron ore

Iron ore generates below Y72, with a strong bias towards Y16. It also generates above Y112, and players will find more of it as they go higher. Players can try out the snapshot by following our handy guide.
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