Minecraft’s latest 1.19 The Wild Update added two new neutral mobs that players will want to take advantage of. The frog, which can give the player frog lights if fed small magma cubes, and the Allay which will follow players around and collecting items given to them.
However, there are a large number of tamable mobs available in game, making the decision of which to focus on getting quite difficult if the player does not know the mechanics, or which are seen as the most useful by the community.
5 mobs that players should tame for benefit in Minecraft 1.19, ranked
5) Axolotl
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Axolotls are only so far down this list as they are not technically tamable. Instead, they are in a slightly different class of mob that 'trust' the player. A mob that trusts a player will stop fleeing from them and will be safe from despawing.
They spawn exclusively in Lush Cave biomes, and can be taken by the player by placing them in a bucket, similar to how fish can be bucketed.
While in combat with an axolotl for help, the player will be given regeneration one for 100 in game ticks for each axolotl in the fight, and if the player kills whatever the axolotl is targeting, they will be cured of the Mining Fatigue debuff.
This makes axolotls a near necessity for taking on ocean monuments, as underwater combat can be quite slow and clunky otherwise.
4) Horse
Minecraft’s horses, added in through cooperation with the developer and creator of one of Minecraft’s oldest mods, the Mo’ Creatures mod, have become a staple of the game.
Useful for quickly traversing the overworld before the player has access to Elytra, these animals can be tamed simply by interacting with them until they stop bucking the player off. This process can be sped up by giving the horse wheat, bread, carrots, apples, golden carrots, or golden apples.
Once tamed, the player will need to put a saddle on the horse, after which they will have full control over it. Without a saddle, players can sit on the horse but will be unable to control it.
3) Wolves

Minecraft’s original tamable mob, wolves are a classic addition to any list of pets. They will protect players from any mob that attacks them, and will also attack any mob the player attacks.
They can be bred by giving tamed wolves any kind of meat. Though it must be at full health to become willing, otherwise the meat will instead heal the wolf slightly.
These wolves have a health stat of 10 hearts, making them just as hardy as the player in terms of raw health. Though wolves have no potential for armor, unlike players and horses, which makes them quite frail in combat. They are especially vulnerable to creepers, as the explosion will almost guaranteed kill the wolf as it doesn't care about keeping a distance.
2) Cats

A staple around villages, players can tame cats with raw fish. They have to stand still holding the fish, and the cat will slowly approach them. Once the cat is close enough, players can give them the fish and tame them.
Cats will sleep in beds with players, sometimes bringing them items over the night. Additionally, they will keep creepers at bay, with a 6-16 block bubble around the cat being unapproachable by creepers.
This means that enough cats can create a totally creeper-proof area in which players will never need to worry about their builds being blown up.
1) The Allay

Allay is the newest and most mechanically interesting of all the tamable mobs. They can be found in Pillager Outposts trapped in dark oak cages, or in Woodland Mansions in prison cells, both in groups of one to three.
These mobs can be given an item by the player, after which they will be considered tamed. They will follow the player within a 64 block area, even if line of sight is blocked. They will search for duplicates of the item they are holding on the ground, after which they will return any duplicates to players.
The most interesting application of these mechanics is by using Allays to sort items automatically. Allays can be assigned to a note block, after which they will return the items to the block instead of players.
By combining this with minecarts to keep Allays stationary, players have made an entirely automated item sorting for their storage systems.
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