Minecraft has dozens of different mobs that players can interact with. Across the overworld, the nether, and the end, there are many chances to interact with different mobs in different biomes. While most of these mobs are unique and offer fun gameplay experiences, some are more questionable in their applications.
From the frustration of having a creeper explode in the middle of a base, or the annoyance of an enderman stealing random blocks from a carefully constructed custom mountain, Minecraft has no shortage of mobs that can be quite frustrating.
Players often dread fighting these mobs in Minecraft 1.19
5) Baby Zombies

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Baby zombies are a hostile undead overworld mob that spawn very rarely. Any zombie that spawns in has a five percent chance to spawn as a baby zombie. This makes baby zombies just as rare as zombie villagers.
This undead is by far the most annoying kind of zombie that players can run across. They are faster than regular zombies yet have the same health as a normal zombie, making them able to keep pace with the player much easier than their adult counterparts and quite difficult to kill.
Their more diminutive stature comes with a smaller hitbox, making them much more challenging to hit and kill. This smaller hitbox also means they can fit through one-by-one gaps, making it much harder to build up defenses against them quickly.
4) Silverfish

Silverfish are not a threat. They are a hostile mob that spawns inside of strongholds, either popping out of infested blocks or being summoned by the spawner in the end portal room. They will call for help when hurt, causing more silverfish to break out near infested blocks. This compounding can be a major factor for annoyance, as a single silverfish can quickly become a massive horde.
The fact that they can appear in such huge numbers so quickly but pose no true threat to the player makes them so frustrating to deal with. They can become a major time sink for no other reason than to get in the player’s way and delay them entering the end.
3) Ghasts

Ghasts are a nether mob with a massive sight range. They can see for 80 blocks and pass through solid blocks. Additionally, they will launch explosive fireballs at players within 64 blocks. These fireballs will destroy nether blocks, making them quite dangerous if the player is not using stone to bridge around the nether.
Additionally, they are quite loud compared to other mobs, and the sounds they make are horrifying. This increased loudness adds to the frustration of attempting to combat them.
Players who want all advancements will also need to kill a ghast with a knock-back fireball, which can be quite annoying because of the questionable hitboxes that ghasts have when moving.
2) Blaze

Another nether mob, blazes, is a mob that players will be required to interact with. They are a necessary mob to kill to be able to craft the eyes of the ender, which are needed to activate the portal to the end dimension.
Blazes can see players through walls, which makes them a frustrating mob to deal with, as they will always know where the player is. But this issue is compounded by the fact that blazes are a primarily ranged mob. This means that as soon as the player pops out, they will be assailed by three or more fireballs, all of which have near-perfect accuracy.
If all of this is not annoying enough, as blazes can fly, they will often position themselves outside of a player’s melee range, requiring a bow and arrows to kill them in this situation.
1) The Warden

The warden is by far the most frustrating mob to take on in all of Minecraft. With enough health to put even the Ender Dragon to shame, as well as the ability to kill players in full netherite in just a few attacks, the warden is a force of nature.
They have a ranged attack that can disable shields, penetrate blocks, and will even home in on players. The warden will also continuously apply the darkness effect to nearby players, making it difficult to see the environment to escape.
They also drop minimal XP for how difficult they are to kill and have no drops worth the fight. This compounds how threatening the warden is to fight to make the most frustrating mob to deal with in the entire game.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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