Gold is a strange Minecraft material. It's incredibly useful for things like powered rails and items with higher enchantability. However, it's also incredibly useless, as the tools and weapons made from it have worse durability than even wooden tools, and there are very few things made from gold, to begin with.
That makes gold vital for players wanting to use it for any of the few purposes it has. However, it's also totally useless for players who do not need the few things gold is used for. Gold is also rare, making existing farms very useful. Here is how players can build this simple farm in Minecraft quite easily, and without much effort.
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How to make simple and efficient gold farm in Minecraft PE 1.19
How the farm works
The farm works by constantly forcing a Nether portal to break and then relight. That can occasionally spawn in a zombified pigman, which is pushed into a collection system when the portal is broken.
They are then funneled to a drop zone, which can either drop them to their deaths for a fully automated farm, or leave them with half a heart remaining, so the farm can also give XP to players.
Since zombified piglins can drop golden tools as well as gold nuggets, players can smelt the tools into more nuggets. They can then combine the nuggets into gold ingots for decent quantities of the material over short periods.
How to make the gold farm?
Materials needed

The list of materials for this simple farm, designed by JC Playz, is thankfully quite short. Players can see the full list in the image above.
The most difficult materials needed for this farm are the sticky piston, which requires players to have found at least one slime, seven observers, and 56 obsidian. The obsidian is going to take the longest time to find and mine.
The foundation

The first thing players need to do is build up four blocks and place a 14-block-long line. Then, they have to place 14 obsidians on top of this line of blocks and one at the end of the line for a total of 15 obsidian upwards.
After that, they have to build 14 obsidians off the top of this upwards pillar of obsidian before using the remainder to complete the portal frame.
Portal Testing

Players need to make a system that consistently breaks the Nether portal. This can be done by placing a dispenser facing into the portal, with an observer facing away from it and another in front of the first observer. This will cause the observers to constantly activate each other, causing the dispenser to provide a temporary output of water.
Players then have to create a small one-block area for the water to flow into the areas across from the observer; otherwise, it will flow downward, uncontained. Following that, the Nether portal has to be lit over and over again until a zombie piglin spawns, so they can see the direction mobs are going to move off the portal frame.
The farm

Once players know which side of the portal mobs will flow out of, they can break the water system.
They have to build a small five-block-long platform where the dispenser was, and eight blocks out past that one block further down. After that, players need to build up walls surrounding this future waterway, as seen in the picture above.

Players have to place water at the farthest end of the five-block stretch near the portal, which should cause a waterflow all the way to the eventual drop chamber.
From here, they have to rebuild the water dispenser system on the side of the portal, where the temporary water collection system was present. This will be the permanent system that causes the portal to repeatedly break.

From the other side, players have to count up two blocks; place a block and an observer facing the water system, with the redstone output facing away from the farm. In front of that observer, they need to place four more observers, resulting in the four redstone outputs facing the water system.
Players then have to wrap these observers in a block and create a small area to contain the liquid above the observers. They have to place wooden trapdoors next to the observers. These trapdoors will light on fire but not be destroyed, which will spread and cause the Nether portal to relight. Following that, lava has to be placed atop the observers.

Players have to dig down 22 blocks down on the block such that the water will send mobs towards it. Hoppers and chests have to be used to build a small storage system. If players prefer to kill the piglins themselves to get XP, they should only dig down by 21 or 20, which will leave the piglins with very little health.
Once the water system is activated, the portal should begin breaking and reopening, and zombified piglins should almost immediately begin flowing into the collection system. Gold farms can really help players do a variety of things in the game.
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