Minecraft is a game with many different biomes. This different biome encourages players to spend time exploring their worlds, looking for interesting terrain features and structures. Part of what makes the biomes found in the game feel so real and natural are the different plants found within them.
For example, the game’s biomes include many varied lands, different colors of flowers, used by bees to create honey and by players to create many of the game’s different available dyes, used to craft colored wools, and other colored items.
Acquiring every flower in Minecraft 1.19

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Dandelions are one of the more common flowers throughout the game. They can be found naturally generated within plains, sunflower plains, birch forests, dark oak forests, flower forests, and meadow biomes.
Players can also get dandelions by using bonemeal on the grass in plains, sunflower plains, forests, birch forests, dark oak forests, flower forests, meadow, and swamp biomes, making this a straightforward flower to farm for.
Dandelions can also be found within flowerpots in woodland mansions. Additionally, naturally spawning dandelions can be found within plains and savannah villages.
Poppies are a lot like dandelions and were the flower that replaced the game’s original red flower: the rose. Poppies are naturally generated within plains, sunflower plains, birch forests, dark oak forests, flower forests, and meadows.
Additionally, players can use a bone meal for farming poppies within plains, sunflower plains, forests, dark oak forests, birch forests, flower forests, meadows, and swamps.
Poppies are one of the flowers that can be found potted within woodland mansions. Poppies also spawned in plains, savannah, taiga, and snowy villages. Iron golems will also drop between zero and two poppies upon death, unaffected by looting. Baby villagers on the Java edition of the game also have a chance to give players the Hero of the Village effect poppies.
Blue Orchid

Blue orchids are one of the more uncommon flowers that can be found in the game, though thankfully, it is at least a flower that can be farmed for by using bone meal on the grass. Players will see the blue orchid as naturally generating and farmable within the game’s swamps and mangrove swamps.
Blue orchids are also a flower that players can find within woodland mansions in flowerpots.

Allium is one of the flowers that players can find within the game’s woodland mansions, contained within flowerpots. However, players can also find allium naturally generated within flower forests and meadows. Players can also use bone meal in flower forests and meadows to get allium, making it a farmable flower.
Azure Bluet

Azure bluets are on the more common side of flowers. They are naturally generated within plains, sunflower plains, flower forests, and meadow biomes. Additionally, they can be farmed by using bone meal in those same biomes.
Players can also find them within woodland mansions, and they will spawn naturally within plains biomes.

Tulips are an interesting flower as there are four different colors of tulips. However, all of these colors are found within the same biomes: plains, sunflower plains, and flower forests. Tulips can also be farmed via bonemeal grass in these same biomes.
Tulips can also be found within woodland mansions, but only two of the colors of tulips. These tulip colors are red and white tulips.
Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye daisies are a flower found in plains villages, woodland mansions, and several of the game’s different biomes. These biomes include plains, sunflower plains, flower forests, meadows, birch forests, and dark oak forests.
Players can also use bone meal on the grass in meadows, flower forests, birch forests, dark oak forests, sunflower plains, and regular plains biomes to farm for oxeye daisies.

Cornflowers are flowers that players will find naturally generated within plains villages, as well as plains, sunflower plains, meadows, flower forests, forests, birch forests, and dark oak forests. Players can also farm for cornflowers using bone meal on the grass in this same list of biomes.
Lily of the Valley

Lilies of the Valley can be found naturally generated within only a few of the game’s many biomes. These biomes are forests, birch forests, dark oak forests, and flower forests. While these lilies can be found in these biomes, there can not be farmed for in most of these biomes. The only biome that players can farm for lilies within is the flower forest biome.
Wither Rose
Wither roses are not a flower that is found naturally generated within any of the game’s biomes. Instead, it is a mob drop item that players can farm for. Players can get wither roses by spawning the Wither boss and using its explosive skulls to kill other mobs. Each mob killed in this way will plant a rose on the block under the mob or drop it in item form if it cannot be planted.

Sunflowers are only found naturally generated within a single biome in the game. This biome is the aptly named sunflower plains, which typically have large fields of sunflowers. Sunflowers can also be farmed with bonemeal. However, players will need to use bone meal on grass instead of bone meal on the sunflower itself. This will cause a duplicate sunflower to drop onto the ground in item form.
Lilacs are two-block tall flowers found within many different biomes compared to sunflowers. They can be found in birch forests, dark oak forests, and flower forests. Much like the sunflower, lilacs are not farmed with bone meal in the traditional way. Instead, they can be duplicated by using bone meal directly on the flower.
Rose Bush

Roses used to be the red flower of Minecraft, though they were replaced by the poppy and instead became a two-block tall rose bush. These rose bushes can be found in forests, dark oak forests, birch forests, and flower forests. Like the other two block tall flowers mentioned thus far, bone meal will cause rose bushes to be duplicated.

Peonies are the last of the two block flowers and the final flower in the game. These flowers can be found in forests, flower forests, birch forests, and dark oak forests. And just like all of the other two block tall flowers, players can duplicate peonies with bone meal.
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