Ore is a type of block in Minecraft 1.19 that has an earth mineral or crystal inside it. When players break the ore block, that particular earth mineral or crystal drops as an item to be picked up. There are several kinds of ore blocks that can be found in different locations. They have different rarities depending on how valuable they are in the game.
A few years ago, Mojang drastically changed the distribution of these ores in the game's world. This was because they added a whole new level of caves and an underground world that could accommodate more ore blocks. Hence, here is everything you need to know about the new ore distribution system in Minecraft 1.19.
Ore distribution explained in Minecraft 1.19
Ore distribution based on Y level and specific biome

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First, players need to understand that the rarity and availability of every ore block depend on where it is spawning. Two major factors determine an ore block's rarity and commonality: the world's Y level and the biome.
Y level refers to the vertical height of the world, from the bedrock layer to the top. Some of the ores only generate within a certain Y-level window, while others generate throughout the world. Another aspect of the Y level is rarity and commonality. All ore blocks have a certain Y level where they are the most common.
The generation of only a few ore blocks is affected by biomes. Certain biomes like Dripstone Cave, Badlands, and Mountains affect the generation of ore blocks like copper, gold, and emerald, respectively. All three of these ore blocks become common in these specific biomes.
The Nether ore blocks can also be common or rare, depending on which Y level the player tries to find them at. They, too, have a certain Y-level window where they are most common. However, they are not affected by nether biomes and generate equally everywhere.
Distribution of each ore block and the most common Y level to find them

Here is a full list of every ore block present in Minecraft 1.19, on which Y level they generate, and on which of them they are most common.
- Coal - between Y levels 0 to 320 - most common in Y levels 95 and 136
- Copper - between Y levels -16 to 112 - most common in Y level 48 (very common in dripstone cave)
- Lapis Lazuli - between Y levels -64 to 64 - most common in Y level -1
- Iron - between Y levels -64 to 320 - most common in Y levels 15 and 232
- Gold - - between Y levels -64 to 32 - most common in Y level -16 (common in badlands, found at most Y levels)
- Redstone - between Y levels -64 to 16 - most common in Y level -59
- Diamond - between Y levels -64 to 16 - most common in Y level -59
- Emerald - between Y levels -16 to 320 - most common in Y level 236 (only in mountains and windswept hills)
- Nether Quart - most common from Y level 10 to 114
- Nether Gold - most common in Y level 15
- Ancient Debris - most common from Y level 13 to 17
This distribution chart was changed after the release of the 1.18 update.
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