The Wild update is the next significant content update coming to Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The biggest changes the update will bring to the game are the two new biomes and all the features within them.
Initially part of the Caves and Cliffs announcement at Minecraft Live 2020, the cave world generation changes ended up being split into their own update that would come much earlier than the Warden and his biome, for example.
Read on to learn all about the upcoming The Wild update.
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Everything we know about Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s The Wild update
The Biomes
Three new biomes are coming in the Wild update.
Ancient City
This is the premier biome of the update, being extremely large and generating exclusively at Y=-52. The biome is made entirely of deepslate, basalt, their variants, and gray wool. The biome also contains soul sand, soul fire and lanterns, as well as candles and skeleton skulls.
They also feature reinforced deepslate, which spawns in a portal-esque frame, though it has no purpose in Minecraft Bedrock Edition as of yet.
Deep Dark
This biome can typically be found between Y=-1 and Y=-64, however they can also spawn all the way up to Y=33. This biome is where the ancient city can spawn, and therefore the biome needs to spawn the Warden. No mobs other than the Warden can spawn in this biome, except for mobs from mob spawners, similar to mushroom biomes.
Mangrove Swamps

These are new swamp biomes that feature teal water and often generate in warmer clusters, typically near jungles and desert biomes. They contain new mangrove trees exclusively, with no other tree naturally spawning in the biome.
Frogs and slimes will naturally spawn in the biome in place of sheep, cows, pigs, and chickens, which cannot do so. Witch huts will also not generate in the mangrove swamp. Mud coats the floor of the biome, and tropical fish can be found in the water.
The Mobs
The Wild update is adding a total of four new mobs.
The Allay

The Allay was voted on by the community during Minecraft Live 2021. It can be given a block or item by the player, after which it will collect that item from around the world. It will scour any loaded chunks for the item in question before collecting up to a stack of them and dropping them within the range of a note block.
The Frog

Frogs are set to come in three variants:
- Temperate (orange)
- Warm (white)
- Cold (green)
These color and environmental combinations will apply to newly spawned frogs. Frogs will be able to jump over 5 blocks, preferring to jump on lily pads and big dripstone. They are also faster in the water than on land. They will eat small slimes and magma cubes, dropping slime balls and foglights, respectively. They can be bred using slimeballs. They will lay eggs in water after mating, and these eggs will hatch into the third new mob.
Tadpoles grow into frogs 20 minutes after hatching from their eggs (this can be sped up using slimeballs). They can be picked up with a water bucket. They will die if placed on land, though they will panic and attempt to pathfind to nearby water. Axolotls will hunt tadpoles down, and tadpoles will panic when there is an axolotl nearby.
The Warden

Inarguably the most hyped part of the Wild update by far, the Warden is Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s newest boss mob. Summoned by Sculk Shriekers after the player activates them three times.
The Warden is the game’s first truly blind mob, relying on its powerful sense of smell and hearing to track the player down. If it smells two different players or mobs, it will pathfind to the one deemed more suspicious.
It uses its sense of vibration to find entities through their movement and will follow and attack players, mobs, and entities that cause vibrations, though Wardens will not attack each other. When it detects a vibration, the growths on its head will rattle and light up, much the same as the sculk sensors. Sneaking will protect players from being detected via vibrations.
Name tags can prevent the Warden from digging into the ground and despawning itself after sensing no vibrations for 60 seconds.

The Warden is designed from the ground up to be something players flee from rather than confront head-on. It has a massive health pool of 250 hearts.
It can also deal enough damage to bring full netherite armored players down to 3.5 hearts in a single hit on normal difficulty. The damage is increased or decreased on hard or easy, enchantments will help, but the damage is still immense. The Warden also disables shields with their melee attack and can keep pace with walking players.
On top of all of that, if a player pillars out of reach, hides behind walls, or otherwise stays out of melee range, the Warden can charge up a sonic blast. The blast penetrates walls, dealing the same damage as a melee attack, and has a reach of 15 horizontal blocks.
If all that wasn’t enough, the Warden is also totally immune to knockbacks and lava.
The Items

Froglights are lamp-like blocks that are created by frogs eating small magma cubes. There are three different colors of froglight:
- Pearlescent (white frog)
- Verdant (green frog)
- Ochre (orange frog)
These shades of froglight are dropped by different colors of frog eating a magma cube, as notated next to the color names. These lights emit a light of level 15, making them slightly brighter than torches, which emit a light of level 14.

Frogspawns are non-solid blocks that are placed on the surface of water. They vanish if the water they rest on is removed. They cannot be obtained in survival, even with the use of a silk touch tool. They are laid by frogs after mating, and will hatch into tadpoles after some time. The color of the frog this tadpole will grow into depends on the biome where the frogspawn is laid.
With the addition of the new mangrove trees comes all the blocks needed to make up the said tree. This includes leaves, wood, logs, and the planks made from those logs, as well as all the wooden items that those planks would need to be able to craft.
Mangrove logs and planks have a slight red tint to them.
The most interesting mangrove additions are the new mangrove propagule and roots. The roots act as a decorative see-through block, much like leaves, but can be waterlogged and will contain water within the block.
The propagule is a new type of sapling found generated underneath mangrove leaves. They can be grown using bonemeal and have four stages of growth. Once they hit stage four, they can be collected by the player and planted either on the ground or in water and will grow a new mangrove tree.

Mud is a new type of block found in mangrove swamps. They can be crafted by using a water bottle, either directly or by use of a dispenser, on dirt, coarse dirt, or rooted dirt.
They can also be converted into clay by placing the mud block above a block with a dripstone underneath it. The dripstone drains the mud from the liquid, resulting in a clay block. This makes clay a renewable resource for the Bedrock version of the game.
When walking on mud, entities will sink sightly, like in soul sand. However, there is no slowing effect of mud.
Packed Mud
Packed mud is a new block that can be crafted by combining a mud block with wheat. It can be merged to make mud bricks.
Mud Bricks
These new bricks are made by combining 4 packed muds, and can be made into slabs, stairs, or walls using a crafting table or stonecutter.
Muddy Mangrove Roots

These blocks can either be found in mangrove swamp biomes or crafted using mud and mangrove roots.
Reinforced Deepslate

Reinforced deepslate blocks generate only in ancient cities. It cannot be obtained in survival mode, dropping nothing even when broken with a silk touch tool. The block also cannot be moved by pistons and has been teased to have some interesting purpose.
Sculk is a new block that generates in the deep dark biome. It has an animated texture and can only be successfully acquired in survival mode using a silk touch tool. If broken by a tool without silk touch, it will drop only experience. Sculk blocks grow when a mob dies near a sculk catalyst.
Sculk Catalyst
Sculk catalysts generate in the deep dark, emit particles and grow sculk-related blocks whenever a mob dies within eight blocks. It grows sculk based on the number of experience the mob would normally drop. The catalyst can be picked up using a silk touch tool. These blocks emit natural light of level six.
Sculk Shriekers

The most important new block added in The Wild update is the sculk shrieker. These blocks generate in the deep dark biome and activate either from a player’s steps, redstone, or sculk sensors. They give the player the darkness effect when activated, and on the third activation, summons a Warden.
Sculk Veins
These animated blocks rest on other blocks. They generate on top of blocks similar to snow, but can be placed on any side of blocks by players similar to lichen. It has to be broken by a silk touch item in order to be picked up.
Other items

Other items being added to Minecraft Bedrock Edition are the bucket of tadpoles, used to transport tadpoles. The echo shard, used to craft the recovery compass, the mangrove boat, and the recovery compass. The recovery compass points the player to the location of their most recent death.
Chest Boats

The ability to put a chest into a boat has also been added, similar to the minecart with a chest. This takes up one of the seats in the boat, allowing only one entity in the boat. Opening the chest will make nearby adult piglins angry.
Release Date
Unfortunately, Mojang is still yet to announce a concrete release date for The Wild update, with a frustratingly vague 2022 still being our only word on the matter. There is fan speculation that the release date could be around June of 2022, but this is not an official sentiment, and the update could be released at any point in the year or even be pushed back into 2023.
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