Minecraft 1.21.4 Garden Awakens update patch notes: Pale Garden biome, Creaking mob, and more

Minecraft 1.21.4 patch notes
Minecraft 1.21.4 update is out (Image via Mojang)

Mojang has finally released The Garden Awakens update for Minecraft Java Edition. With the version 1.21.4 update, players can now experience the eerie Pale Garden biome along with its creepy Creaking mob. However, not everything about this new update is spooky, as there are plenty of new blocks to play around with.


The Minecraft 1.21.4 update features two new block families: the pale oak wood set and resin blocks. To obtain the former, you must set out on a journey to find the Pale Garden or wait for a wandering trader to bring you pale oak saplings. As for the resin blocks, you must explore either the Pale Garden or a woodland mansion to gather materials for crafting a Creaking Heart and building a resin farm.


In addition to the new features, Mojang has also introduced bug fixes and improvements with the 1.21.4 update. Here are the patch notes for Minecraft Java Edition's The Garden Awakens update

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Minecraft 1.21.4 update patch notes


New Minecraft features

  • Added Pale Garden Biome, Pale Oak tree, Pale Moss block, Pale Moss carpet, Pale Hanging Moss and Pale Oak woodset
  • Added the Creaking mob, Creaking Spawn Egg and Creaking Heart block
  • Added the Resin block family
  • Added Eyeblossoms

Pale Garden

The Pale Garden is a biome variation of Dark Forest.

  • Pale Oaks generate here
  • Creaking Heart blocks can generate in Pale Oaks, causing Creakings to spawn at night
  • Eyeblossoms generate on the ground
  • Pale Moss blocks/carpet generate on the ground here
  • Hanging Pale Moss generate hanging from the foliage of Pale Oaks
  • Animal mobs do not spawn naturally in Pale Gardens
  • New biome specific ambient sounds
  • Pale Garden has no accompanying music
  • If a player enters the biome while music is playing, the music will fade out
  • Using the seed 3515201313347228787 when creating a new world will spawn the player next to a Pale Garden

Pale Oak Tree

Pale Oak trees are a new tree variant similar to Dark Oak trees.

  • Pale Oak Leaves drop Pale Oak Saplings that can be planted in a 2x2 configuration to grow Pale Oak trees
  • Player grown Pale Oak trees grow without any decorations
  • Naturally generated Pale Oak trees have Pale Hanging Moss hanging from the foliage, Pale Moss patches on the ground, and Creaking Heart blocks can generate in them
  • Pale Oak Leaves have a chance to spawn leaf particles if exposed on the bottom side
  • Wandering Traders can sell Pale Oak Saplings
  • Pale Oak Logs can be crafted into the Pale Oak woodset:
  • Door
  • Fence
  • Fence Gate
  • Plank
  • Sign
  • Hanging Sign
  • Slab
  • Stairs
  • Trapdoor
  • Wood
  • Stripped Log
  • Stripped Wood
  • Button
  • Pressure Plate
  • Boat
  • Boat with Chest

Pale Moss

Pale Moss Blocks are new blocks that work similarly to existing Moss Blocks, including a Carpet variant.

  • Pale Moss Blocks generate naturally in the Pale Garden biome
  • Wandering Traders can sell a Pale Moss Block
  • Pale Moss Carpet can be crafted from two Pale Moss Blocks
  • Pale Moss Carpet generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome
  • When placed, Pale Moss Carpet grows up to two blocks on the solid faces of any block that borders it
  • Pale Moss Carpet can be Bone Mealed to grow to full on all solid faces of any block that borders it

Pale Hanging Moss

Pale Hanging Moss is a vine-like block that grows downwards.

  • Pale Hanging Moss generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome under the foliage of Pale Oaks
  • Pale Hanging Moss does not grow randomly, but can be Bone Mealed to grow
  • Pale Hanging Moss breaks instantly when mined
  • Pale Hanging Moss requires shears or silk touch tools to be obtained
  • Wandering Traders can sell Pale Hanging Moss


Eyeblossoms are new flowers that generate in the Pale Garden biome.

  • They exist in two variants: Closed Eyeblossom and Open Eyeblossom
  • Eyeblossoms transition between the two variants based on the time of day
  • During the night, Eyeblossoms will become Open
  • During the day, they will become Closed
  • In dimensions that do not have a day/night cycle, they will remain as-is
  • When transitioning, flowers will emit a particle effect and sound
  • Eyeblossoms planted on the ground will communicate with each other, helping nearby flowers to open or close
  • Open Eyeblossoms have glowing eyes during the night
  • Eyeblossoms can be obtained by Bone Mealing grass blocks in the Pale Garden biome
  • Bees get poisoned when they touch Open Eyeblossoms
  • Bees can be tempted with Open Eyeblossoms, but they get poisoned on player interaction instead of typical breeding/growing behaviour
  • Bees do not interact at all with Closed Eyeblossoms
  • Suspicious Stew made from Open Eyeblossoms will cause a Blindness effect
  • Suspicious Stew made from Closed Eyeblossoms will cause a Nausea effect
  • Gray or Orange Dye can be crafted from Closed and Open Eyeblossoms respectively
  • Wandering Traders can sell Open Eyeblossoms

Creaking mob

The Creaking mob spawns at night if there is a Creaking Heart block between two Pale Oak logs. This happens naturally in the Pale Garden biome where the Creaking Heart generates inside Pale Oaks.

  • A Creaking will activate if a survival or adventure mode Player is within 12 blocks of it and looks at it
  • A Creaking stays active while there is a survival or adventure mode Player within 32 blocks of it
  • An activated Creaking will not move if a survival or adventure player is looking at it
  • It will also have full knockback resistance in this state
  • Creaking melee attacks deal 3 points of damage (1.5 hearts)
  • Creakings react to damage caused by mobs and projectiles only by swaying in place
  • Creakings are resistant to fire
  • Creakings ignore Cacti, Sweet Berry Bushes and Powder Snow and can walk through/over them
  • When attacked by Players or their pets, a particle trail is shown between the Creaking and the Creaking Heart block it is connected to
  • When the Creaking Heart block that the Creaking is connected to is destroyed, the Creaking is removed with a custom twitching animation
  • Creaking spawns are based on the day/night cycle and not affected by light levels
  • Creakings cannot enter Boats
  • The Creaking Spawn Egg will spawn a Creaking mob that is not connected to a Creaking Heart which:
  • Persists through day and night
  • Takes damage from attacks and other damage sources
  • Has one point of health (half a heart)
  • Creakings spawned from a Creaking Heart cannot go through portals
  • Creakings spawned from a Creaking Heart cannot be named with a Name Tag
  • Players wearing a Carved Pumpkin on their head can look at a Creaking without it freezing in place
  • Illagers are scared of Creakings and will run away from them

Creaking Heart

A Creaking Heart is a “living” block generating in Pale Oak trees, covered on all sides by Pale Oak wood logs. It can spawn a Creaking mob during the night when it is placed between two Pale Oak Logs, all aligned along the same axis.

  • Is active during the night and dormant during the day
  • Sends a trail of particles towards the connected Creaking when the Creaking gets hit by a Player or their pet
  • When a Creaking Heart block is destroyed, the connected Creaking is removed
  • The Creaking Heart decides to remove or replace the connected Creaking when:
  • It turns day
  • The Creaking is too far away from the Creaking Heart
  • A Player intersects with the Creaking for a few seconds
  • Comparators attached to the Creaking Heart block will output a signal strength dependent on the distance to the connected Creaking
  • A Creaking Heart can be crafted with a Resin Block and Pale Oak Logs
  • A Creaking Heart block can be obtained by using a Silk Touch enchanted tool
  • Breaking a Creaking Heart without Silk Touch block will drop 1-3 Resin Clumps or more when using a Fortune enchanted tool
  • Naturally placed Creaking Hearts drop 20-24 experience when broken by a Player, with or without Silk Touch


Added Resin Clump, Block of Resin, Resin Brick, and a family of Resin Bricks blocks.

  • Attacking a Creaking will cause its Creaking Heart to exude 2-3 Resin Clumps
  • Resin Clumps appear on the sides of Pale Oak Logs that are close and are connected to the Creaking Heart
  • The Creaking Heart is on cooldown and cannot produce more Resin Clumps for 5 seconds after an attack
  • Resin Clump blocks can be placed on any full face of a neighboring block
  • Resin Clump blocks can be waterlogged
  • Block of Resin is a storage block for Resin Clumps
  • Resin Clumps can be smelted into Resin Brick items
  • Resin Brick items can be used as a material for armor trimming
  • Resin Brick items can be crafted into Resin Bricks
  • Resin Bricks can be crafted into Resin Brick Slabs, Resin Brick Stairs, Resin Brick Walls, and then Chiseled Resin Bricks
  • The Stonecutter can also be used to craft these items
  • Resin Clump and Resin Block does not require a tool to mine and are mined instantly
  • The proper tool for Resin Bricks family of blocks is a Pickaxe
  • Resin Clumps can be found in some Woodland Mansion loot chests

New System for Pale Garden Ambient Sounds

Ambient sounds in the Pale Garden biome do not come from the biome itself, but are generated by blocks found in the biome.

  • Pale Hanging Moss emits subtle atmospheric sounds when it is attached to Pale Oak Logs or Pale Oak Leaves
  • Creaking Hearts emit a set of eerie sounds when they are active during the night and surrounded by Logs on all sides
  • Open Eyeblossoms placed on Pale Moss Blocks emit a soft, whispering sound


  • Swords are no longer considered efficient tools for mining Moss Carpet
  • Hoes remain the proper tools for mining Moss Carpets
  • Bees are now withered on player interactions with Wither Roses instead of typical breeding/growing behavior
  • Baby Cats and Wolves now get a collar with the color that is a mix between the parents collar color if possible
  • Added language support for Popoloca
  • The durations of the effects of Suspicious Stews have been aligned with those in Bedrock Edition:
  • Saturation: 0.35 seconds (unchanged)
  • Night Vision: 5 seconds (unchanged)
  • Fire Resistance: 3 seconds
  • Blindness: 11 seconds
  • Weakness: 7 seconds
  • Regeneration: 7 seconds
  • Jump Boost: 5 seconds
  • Wither: 7 seconds
  • Poison: 11 seconds
  • Removed Herobrine

Mojang has once again removed "Herobrine" as a running gag.

Required Tools for Drops

Developer's note: "We made it so any block that drops when its support is broken will also drop when mined with any tool. It seemed unfair that breaking a block directly could destroy it if it was possible to obtain it with any tool just by breaking the block below!"
  • The following blocks that require support now always drop when broken with any tool: Bell, Lantern, Soul Lantern, all Copper Doors, Iron Door, Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Light Weighted Pressure Plate, Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate, and Stone Pressure Plate
  • The Brewing Stand now drops when broken with any tool
  • The Ender Chest now drops Obsidian when broken with an incorrect tool, instead of dropping nothing

Mobs Picking up Items

Some changes have been made to how mobs decide to replace their equipped items with items on the ground

  • If the item belongs in an armor slot, replace the item if any of the following conditions apply
  • The new item has a higher base armor value
  • The new item has a higher base armor toughness value
  • The new item has more enchantments
  • The new item is less damaged
  • The new item has a custom name while the old one doesn't
  • If the item belongs in the main hand slot, replace the item if any of the following conditions apply
  • The new item is a preferred weapon while the old one isn't
  • If the old item is a preferred weapon while the new item isn't, do not replace the item
  • The new item has a higher base damage value
  • The new item has more enchantments
  • The new item is less damaged
  • The new item has a custom name while the old one doesn't

Preferred Weapons

The following mobs now have a preferred weapon type to pick up:

  • Skeleton-like mobs, except Wither Skeletons, prefer Bows
  • Adult Piglins and Pillagers prefer Crossbows
  • Drowned prefer Tridents

In addition to these features and changes, Mojang has introduced many technical updates and features, along with bug fixes, in the 1.21.4 update. Interested fans can check out the official patch notes on the Minecraft website to learn more about the new update.

Also Read: How to download Minecraft 1.21.4 update

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Edited by Abhipsito Das
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