Minecraft 1.21 is looking to be quite a feature-filled update, bringing with it major structures, weapons, and mobs. But there are also a lot of other interesting additions focused on updating older content, including new potions to flesh out brewing, an overhaul of how bad omen works, and a ton of new and exciting building and utility blocks.
Detailed below are all the new blocks added to Minecraft with update 1.21, how to craft or find them, and what the blocks can be used for.
Minecraft 1.21's new blocks
The Crafter
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The crafter is the most impactful of the new block additions. Crafters are a redstone component that takes items and inputs and automatically combines them into other items. This type of automation used to only be available via Minecraft's best technical mods, so players are excited to see it added officially.
The crafter can be made with five iron ingots, a crafting table, two redstone dusts, and a dispenser. As with other redstone components that deal with item inputs and outputs, such as Minecraft's ever-useful and always frustrating hoppers, the crafter has different directional facings that change input and output direction.
The Heavy Core

Heavy cores are the most important block added with 1.21 for players who enjoy combat. This is because while it can be used as a decorative block, the heavy core's main purpose is to craft the new and incredibly powerful mace.
These weapons are unique in that they convert fall damage the player would take into damage that the strike deals to a target. As a result, the mace is capable of one-shotting every mob in Minecraft with a high enough fall, and the three mace enchantments being added make the weapon even stronger by upping damage, reducing target armor, and springing players back up.
Trial Spawners (and ominous)

Trial spawners are a new variant of mob spawner exclusive to trial chambers. Unlike regular spawners, Minecraft's trial spawners don't care about the light level and will spawn a set number of mobs after detecting a player, no matter what. If these waves of mobs are defeated, the trial chamber will spit out rewards, including emeralds, diamonds, and ominous bottles, before entering a 30-minute cooldown.
Be careful not to drink an ominous bottle if one drops, however, as doing so will turn all trial spawners into ominous spawners via the bad omen effect. Any spawners on cooldown when converted will come off of cooldown and be ready to spawn mobs again. Ominous spawners are soul-fire blue in color, spawn more armored mobs than normal, and have better drops when defeated.
Vaults (and ominous vaults)

Minecraft's new vault blocks are similar to trial spawners in that they are found exclusively within trial chambers. They are a unique way of providing loot in that every player can loot a single vault once, rather than everyone having to share the contents of a single chest. They are opened with trial keys dropped by trial spawners.
Similar to how there are trial spawners and ominous spawners, there are also vaults and ominous vaults. Ominous vaults are blue rather than orange and require ominous keys dropped by ominous spawners. They have better drops than regular vaults, including a chance at the heavy core mentioned previously. They may also have enchanted books for Minecraft's three new mace enchantments, along with emeralds and diamonds.
Copper Blocks

One of the most exciting parts of 1.21, at least for builders that enjoy Minecraft steampunk builds, is the huge expansion of detailed and textured copper blocks that comes with it. The full list of new copper blocks is:
- Chiseled Copper
- Copper Grate
- Copper Bulb
- Copper Door
- Copper Trapdoor
The most interesting and exciting of these, at least from a decorative and utility standpoint, are the copper bulb, door, and trapdoor. Copper bulbs are a gorgeous new lighting option that gets dimmer the more oxidized it becomes, while the new door options are just classicly good detailing bits.
Tuff Blocks

Another exciting addition for builders, especially those who enjoy Minecraft's medieval building style, is the expansion of tuff into a fully-fledged stone variety in terms of decorative blocks.
The full list of new tuff variant blocks is:
- Tuff Stairs
- Tuff Slabs
- Tuff Walls
- Chiseled Tuff
- Polished Tuff
- Tuff Bricks
All of the regular stone building staples are here, including stairs, slabs, walls, and bricks, which are all used in some of Minecraft's best building hacks. All in all, 1.21 is a great update for builders and adventurers alike.
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