The Ender Dragon fight is, by all accounts, the end of Minecraft. The achievement that a player gets when entering the End dimension is called “The End?” and the achievement the player gets after killing the dragon and leaving the dimension is called “The End.”
While it may be the end of Minecraft’s loose story, there is much more game to explore after the dragon has been defeated. The world of Minecraft opened up tremendously after the dragon was beaten at least once.
10 things Minecraft players need to do after defeating the Ender Dragon
10) Fight it again
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This may seem counter-intuitive at first. However, there are a few excellent reasons players might want to fight the Ender Dragon more than once.
The first reason is that if the player ever wants to build anything in the End dimension on the main island, the Ender Dragon can never be respawned.
It can, but it will destroy the player’s build, as the dragon will destroy any blocks it flies through other than its obsidian towers. This means that players should get all dragon kills out of the way now. Players should be sure to collect the dragon’s breath in bottles.
The second reason is that each time the dragon is slain, it will spawn a new ender pearl portal to the far island of the dimension in a new direction. This can be invaluable for traveling to distant lands of the dimension without using firework rockets in the future. There can be 20 total portals separated by 18 degrees around the end island’s circumference.
The third reason is much more minor, but the Ender Dragon drops excellent experience, at 500 for each kill after the first. Since endermen XP farms can be made, this is not so much a reason to fight the dragon on its own but a supplemental benefit to fighting it for the above reasons.
9) Make a gunpowder farm
A gunpowder farm will allow players to take to the skies with the elytra they can claim from the End dimension after the dragon has been defeated. Since the elytra are such a major change to how Minecraft plays, having ample ability to fly is vital, and, by extension, this makes gunpowder farms vital once the dragon has been bested in combat.
8) Make a paper farm
Paper farms are super crucial for many of the same reasons as gunpowder. Paper is another ingredient in firework rockets, allowing players to fly.
However, paper is also important for crafting books. This makes enchanting much easier, as players can combine books before applying them to items. Some items are required to enchant them, as doing it with manual combines fully will reach the anvil cap before full enchantment is reached.
7) Make an endermen XP farm
Endermen are the only mob that spawns in the end. They also spawn in absurd numbers. They also drop much more exp than other hostile mobs that players typically make exp farms.
Combining these three factors makes an enderman exp farm a no-brainer. Their habit of trying to kill endermites can be taken advantage of by dropping them down a high shaft, leaving massive amounts of them with only half a heart remaining. They can then be killed for huge exp gains.
6) Find an end city for shulkers

Once the dragon is dead, the End opens up. Players can travel to distant cities. One of the biggest potential upgrades is to a player’s inventory. Once the player has found a town, they can kill the shelled inhabitants known as shulkers. The shells of these beings can be combined with chests to make shulker boxes.
These boxes are incredible. They each have the capacity of a single chest. However, they do not drop the items inside when broken. This means that a player can turn a single inventory slot into an extra chest of space, as many times as they would like, up to their entire inventory.
They can also be combined with an ender chest. This means a single spot in the inventory can hold a single chest of single chest inventories or over 700 slots from a single inventory slot.
5) Explore the far reaches of the world
Once the player defeats the dragon, they can explore the rest of the end dimension in relative safety. Doing so will eventually culminate in an elytra, which allows flight and gives the player nearly unparalleled ability to explore all of Minecraft’s dimensions.
Once the dragon is killed, players can explore the world and see all the interesting landmarks the world has to offer and find many materials, blocks, or items missing for builds.
4) Make a Nether hub

Once the elytra are unlocked, the world opens up horizontally, sometimes by thousands, if not more, blocks. Traveling this distance, even by elytra, is sometimes a pain. That’s where a Nether hub comes in. Since traveling one block in the Nether is eight overworld blocks, massive distances can be covered in very little time.
Nether hubs are giant hallway networks at the top of the Nether than connect all the interesting locations and points of interest in a world with Nether portals.
3) Fight the Wither

While Minecraft implies that the Ender Dragon is the end of the game’s content, there is another boss that almost every player will fight after the dragon. This boss is the Wither. The Wither is summoned by placing three wither skulls on top of a capital T made of soul sand or soul soil. The Wither’s primary drop is the nether star, which is used to create a beacon.
Beacons are huge power increases for the player, assuming they have the materials needed to create them near full power. They grant permanent buff status effects to players within a considerable range. These buffs can also be selected and changed at the player's whims, meaning they can be switched to suit whatever needs the player has at a given moment.
2) Get an Elytra
As stated in many of the points, the elytra hugely changed Minecraft. Players can fly via firework rockets in their chest armor slots while wearing them. This makes exploration and backtracking between locations much easier and less annoying. They can be found on the floating ships that sometimes spawn alongside the end cities.
1) Plan a megabuild
Once the dragon is slain, the biggest thing to do is find a new goal. The easiest goal for most players is to develop an idea for a mega build and hyperfocus on completing it. This is good, as it can encourage the exploration of the world while looking for certain blocks and give players who do not normally build the chance to stretch their creative muscles and take the first steps into the building side of Minecraft.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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