Ender Pearls are one of the most iconic items in Minecraft. They are most commonly used to craft Eyes of Ender or to travel long distances quickly.
Ender Pearls are beneficial in many other ways and help players during their playthroughs, including PvP. There are some things that not everyone knows about Ender Pearls in Minecraft.
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What are 5 things that players didn't know about Ender Pearls in Minecraft?
#5 - Damage

Most players who have used an Ender Pearl are aware that it can hurt them. However, some of them may not know the specifics.
Without armor, Ender Pearls will do five points of damage to the player. Wearing armor that is enchanted with Protection or Feather Falling will reduce the damage taken. With a high enough level, the player will barely take any damage at all and will be able to spam the Ender Pearls.
#4 - Physics

Ender Pearls have interesting physic mechanics. While the velocity and direction of each pearl thrown is randomized, pearls have a maximum vertical and horizontal range.
When thrown while sprinting at the optimum launch angle of 35 degrees, Ender Pearls have a maximum horizontal range of 54 blocks. The maximum vertical range is 30 blocks (45 in Bedrock Edition).
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#3 - Endermites

Due to the rarity of Ender Pearls, most players are unaware that they may have an unwanted guest when throwing one.
Endermites have a 5% chance of spawning whenever the player throws an Ender Pearl. Being the smallest hostile mob, they will immediately attempt to attack the player. However, they will despawn in two minutes guaranteed.
#2 - Enderman drop chance

It is a well-known fact that Endermen drop Ender Pearls. However, not many players know that each Enderman killed has a 50% chance of dropping one Ender Pearl.
With each level of the Looting enchantment, they will drop one additional pearl. However, the percentage stays the same.
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#1 - Bartering

Many players are unaware that they can obtain Ender Pearls by bartering with Piglins.
Players with a ton of excess gold will be pleased to know that Piglins may trade 1-5 pearls when given a Gold Ingot at a rate of 5%. Players can also enjoy the other great loot that Piglins have to offer when bartering for Ender Pearls.
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