While Minecraft texture packs number in the hundreds, if not more, only a handful stand out as truly popular choices. They tend to be the most supported, the most featured, or simply the best-looking texture packs out there. While there are exceptions to this rule, the most downloaded texture packs list is a good place for players to start their search for improved visuals in-game.
The website used to compile this list (resourcepack.net) does not list the specific number of downloads, only the number of views. Their most popular texture packs list is listed in order of downloads, with the view count simply being an additional piece of viewable information.
The 7 most popular Minecraft texture packs
7) X-Ray Ultimate

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Views: more than 12,790,000
Despite having more views than the next several entries on the list, this texture pack has fewer downloads. This texture pack is focused on those who aren't fond of mining and would rather accelerate past having to strip mine for resources and would rather spend time in other aspects of the game.
This texture pack makes all blocks that make up the ground completely transparent, allowing players to see through the ground and locate ores, lava, bedrock, spawners, and other structures.
While not every player will want to take advantage of these benefits, this texture pack is a lifesaver for those who do.
6) ModernArch R

Views: more than 10,705,000
This is the only freemium texture pack on this list. There is a free version of the pack at 128x128, with the 256x256, 512x512, and 1024x1024 variants of the texture pack restricted to Patreon supporters.
This texture pack focuses on hyperrealism and bringing Minecraft into the modern era by replacing some textures with much more modern versions. For example, furnaces have been replaced by modern oven and stovetop combinations instead of their default appearance.
This texture pack is perfect for those wanting to make the game appear as real as possible while also embracing modern and hypermodern building aesthetics.
5) Depixel

Views: More than 10,438,000
Depixel, by Slembas, is what many would consider a vanilla plus texture pack. This pack focuses on enhancing most of the game’s vanilla textures by increasing the resolution while maintaining the default aesthetic.
However, there are areas where the texture pack strays from the original. In areas such as tools and weapons, the pack has different textures for different tiers of material to add variety and flair to each set. In addition, most of the enemies have been overhauled and look quite scary now.
This texture pack is one of the best vanilla plus texture packs out right now and is a good contender for any player wanting to spice up the look of the game while also maintaining the game’s vanilla vibe.
4) BetterVanillaBuilding

Views: more than 11,225,000
The biggest draw of this texture pack is the immense customization potential. There are 200 new blocks with connected textures, custom tools, armor, elytras, and new enchanted book textures. This is a texture pack made by builders for builders as a way to help fix the perceived issues the building community has with the game’s textures.
The idea is to declutter some of the game’s textures to make builds feel less noisy and increase color vibrancy to help builds not feel as dull.
3) Rodrigo’s Pack

Views: more than 11,475,000
Rodrigo’s is an interesting texture pack. While there are many options that focus on making the game more immersive or stylized, Rodrigo’s is focused on PvP. The pack is an 8x8 texture pack, forcing the game’s textures to half their normal resolution. This is done to help save every possible frame of performance, make fighting other players more manageable, and grant more time to react without lag.
Despite being an 8x8 texture pack, the game still feels like Minecraft, as great care has been put in to keep as much of the game’s original style as possible. Like some of the other texture packs on this list, the most recent version of Rodrigo’s is 1.16.5, making it slightly out of date for the most current version of the game.
2) Default 3D

Views: more than 13,460,000
Default 3D is an old texture pack by modern standards, with a history dating back to Java 1.7. The only downside to this pack, as of right now, is that the latest version is for 1.16.5, making it relatively out of date for the modern version of the game.
The texture pack works in a simple way by adding three-dimensionality and depth to most, if not all, of the game’s textures. This makes the world feel more realistic and livable. While almost none of the game’s base textures are changed, this is enough to make it feel like a whole new game.
1) SapixCraft

Views: more than 14,735,000
With both the most views on resourcepack.net and the most downloads at nearly 15 million, this texture pack is by far the most popular that Minecraft has to offer.
This texture pack, created by Sapix, has a long and storied history, dating all the way back to Java version 1.8. This texture pack has resolutions ranging from the base game’s 16x16 all the way up to 512x512, with a free option available at each doubling step between the two.
This is another benefit of the texture pack, as unlike many other high-resolution options, it is totally free. This texture pack offers a unique stylized version of the game rather than relying on hyperrealism or an upscaled version of the game’s default textures to draw interest, and it does so fantastically. The colors are vibrant, the textures are simplistic, unique, and easy to look at, making it a well-rounded texture pack.
Detailed information: Potions.
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